“Don Quixote” is reborn in Calabria: Press conference at the Broglio Archaeological Park | VIDEO

“Don Quixote” is reborn in Calabria: Press conference at the Broglio Archaeological Park | VIDEO
“Don Quixote” is reborn in Calabria: Press conference at the Broglio Archaeological Park | VIDEO

The suggestive archaeological site of Broglio in Trebisacce hosted the final press conference of the filming ofthe film “Don Quixote”. The event saw the participation of the director Fabio Segatori, of the protagonist Alessio Boni, of Fiorenzo Mattu in the role of Sancho Pancia, and a large group of young Calabrian actors who make up the majority of the cast. The Extraordinary Commissioner of the Calabria Film Commission also spoke, Anton Giulio Grande, and Francesco Porcari of the Board of Directors of Lucana Film Commission. Produced by Paola Columba for Baby Films, “Don Chisciotte” benefited from the support of the Ministry of Culture, the Calabria Film Commission Foundation and the Lucana Film Commission. The shooting of the film took place in the enchanting territory of the Upper Ionian Sea, characterized by spectacular and mysterious landscapes, which include gullies, medieval castles, rivers and pristine beaches. The municipalities involved include Trebisacce, Rocca Imperiale, Oriolo Calabro, Roseto Capo Spulico and San Lorenzo Bellizzi.

Fabio Segatori: «Don Quixote is the film of my life»

The director shared his inspirations, the difficulties of filming and the profound meaning of the film. «Don Quixote is the film of my life» he declared. «After having made action films, spectacular films and many documentaries, I remembered my youth readings, my classical high school readings. Don Quixote was dazzling for me when I was attending classical high school in Viterbo.”

Segatori’s passion for Calabria was born in the 1980s, when he discovered the Upper Ionian Sea. «I got to know a crazy, beautiful, mysterious, compelling area, with powerful nature, castles, wonderful beaches and rivers. I always wondered why this area hadn’t become a cinematic attraction »he explained. «I combined this discovery with the desire to counter the stereotype that associates Calabria exclusively with the ‘Ndrangheta». «We have built windmills that we would like to leave in the area, creating the “road of the mills” as a metaphor of freedom, imagination and courage for young people who must believe in their dreams” said the director. One of the most spectacular and dangerous scenes in the film was filmed on the windmills. «The most exciting scene was that of the blades of the windmill, where Alessio Boni had to climb up to 13 meters in height. He was very courageous and gave his all, proving to be a generous and passionate actor » said Segatori. The film will bring the beauty of Calabria to the big screen, showing the castles of Rocca Imperiale, Oriolo, Roseto Capo Spulico, the Devil’s Bridge in Civita and many other fascinating locations. «Calabria will appear as a dream area, a mythical area. Many people will be surprised” said the director.

Alessio Boni: «Calabria is an extraordinary discovery for my Don Quixote»

The actor talks about his experience on set and the inspiration derived from the sets and Calabrian landscapes. Boni, who plays the protagonist, praised thescreenplay written by Segatori and Paola Columba, highlighting how this represented a natural continuity for him, after having played the character for four years in the theater. «The script made a profound impression on me» declared Boni. «Fabio Segatori and Paola Columba wrote it five or six years ago, and for me it was like rediscovering an old acquaintance. They wanted a serious Don Quixote, a character who truly believes in his illusions, just like children who play at being Indians and believe in them to the end. Playing him on stage for four years was a gift, but bringing him to the cinema is a unique experience in my career.” Boni then recounted his amazement at discovering the natural and historical beauties of Calabria. «Arriving here, I discovered some things out of the ordinary, especially from a naturalistic point of view. These lands are still virgin and waiting to be discovered » she stated, also mentioning Basilicata, where some scenes of the film were filmed. «We started from the Lucanian gullies, but most of the filming took place here in Calabria. Between your castles, the coasts of the two seas, the Pollino, the nature reserves, the flocks of sheep and the windmills, this imagination has expanded enormously.” «This experience allowed me to explore new facets of my character and to immerse myself in Calabria which is a true land of dreams» he said.

With his statements, Alessio Boni underlines not only the quality of the screenplay and production, but also the importance of the natural and historical locations of Calabria, which enriched the film and offered a new perspective on one of the most beloved works of world literature .

«A different, virgin and powerful Calabria, to be discovered on the big screen»

Boni highlighted how this film project represents a break from the often negative narrative associated with the region. «Often when we talk about Calabria, unfortunately we also talk about Ndrangheta» began Boni. «This time, however, we tell a different Calabria. There hasn’t been even a remote shadow of that reality. It’s as if that term doesn’t exist here.” The actor described Calabria as a still virgin and incredibly powerful land, capable of evoking extraordinary cinematic scenarios. «This land is out of the ordinary, it is truly powerful and strong» explained Boni. «Sometimes it feels like being in a Sergio Leone film, other times in the Alps or the Caribbean. It is a land that is to be discovered.” Boni then praised the work of the Calabria Film Commission, led by Anton Giulio Grande, for its commitment to promoting the region. «Thanks to Anton Giulio Grande, who has done an extraordinary job in the last two or three years, the Film Commission Calabria is starting to obtain very serious and competitive numbers» he declared.

Anton Giulio Grande: «Film Commission Calabria, a fundamental pillar for the promotion of our land»

The extraordinary commissioner of Film Commission Calabria Anton Giulio Grande explains the role of the institution in the production of “Don Quixote” and in the tourist enhancement of the region. He spoke of the institution’s important contribution to the making of the film “Don Quixote”. Grande highlighted how the Film Commission played a key role not only in the production of the film, but also in promoting tourism in the region. «The Film Commission Calabria has made a significant contribution to this project, supporting the production logistically and financially» he declared. «We facilitated access to the most evocative locations and made our resources available to ensure that the film could be shot in the best possible conditions». Grande then highlighted the potential of cinema as a means of promotion for Calabria. «Cinema is a unique communication tool, capable of representing our land in a fascinating and engaging way» he explained. «Through films, we can show the world the natural and cultural beauty of Calabria, transforming it into a first-rate tourist attraction». Grande underlined the importance of initiatives such as “Don Quixote” to create a positive image of Calabria and stimulate the interest of visitors and investors. “Film projects of this scale allow us to make our natural, historical and cultural resources known to a wider audience,” he said. Grande also spoke about the collaboration with local workers, highlighting how the involvement of the territory is crucial for the success of such initiatives. «We worked with local artisans and professionals, demonstrating that Calabria can offer not only breathtaking landscapes, but also skills and talents of the highest level» he said.

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