The Metrocity of Florence adopts the Metropolitan Territorial Plan. Here are the planned strategies

Flexible, agile and intelligent, it is the result of an institutional experimentation process. It was shared with the Mayors. Forward with the “river network”

The Metropolitan Territorial Plan (Ptm) was adopted by the Metropolitan Council on 17 April 2024: the process towards definitive approval then includes publication on the Burt, to give interested parties the opportunity to present any observations and proposals within ninety days.

Already presented in the Metropolitan City on 12 March 2024, in the presence of all the actors involved in its drafting, in particular the metropolitan Municipalities, and then on 12 April 2024 to the professional orders and colleges, the new Plan guides, in a propulsive and complementary way, the transformation and governance policies of the territories adopted by the Municipalities, favoring an innovative way of conceiving ordinary territorial planning, thanks to contents that propose coordinated, integrated and dynamic governance visions and actions, inserted on a metropolitan scale.

The plan strategies are set in the various homogeneous territories that make up the metropolitan city and concern the areas of Mugello and Romagna Tuscany, the Val di Sieve, the Florentine Area, the Val d’Arno Fiorentino, the Chianti, the Val d’Arno Empolese, Val d’Elsa.

At the center of all the interventions, there is certainly an idea of ​​capillarity between center and periphery with the aim of guaranteeing accessibility to services for families living in the most remote areas, more widespread accessibility to local public transport , the fight against educational poverty by increasing opportunities for access to school and university through enabling services and infrastructures; Strong and continuous valorisation and protection of the territory, natural resources and landscape; Promotion of training activities for young people in the area that are consistent with the needs of the local productive fabric, support of policies aimed at a unitary tourism strategy and the creation of a Rural District.
Level growth of the production system aimed at increasing the quality of work; Combating school dropout and promoting the active participation of young people; Implementation of environmental protection policies and consequent strengthening and consolidation of interventions and investments for the reduction of water risk across a large part of the territory;

Another policy with a metropolitan vision is that of Enhancement of the metropolitan river network as a blue infrastructure for binding and territorial connection, thanks to the development of projects along the waterways that balance the correct use of river spaces with the protection of biodiversity through an ecosystem approach. The activation of river contracts is promoted to promote inter-municipal cooperation and collaboration; river ecological corridors to safeguard the ecological function of rivers and waterways, enhancing their environmental and natural connection capacity, conserving riparian vegetation and re-naturalizing water bodies; the creation of equipment for the use of waterways and economic, sporting, recreational and social activities aimed at the use of river areas, in order to rediscover a renewed synergistic relationship between metropolitan citizens and waterways.


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