Women of the NHS. Zuccarelli (Anaao Campania): “Forced to choose between family and career”. In Italy there are 220 company nurseries, but 208 are in the North

68% of NHS staff are women, almost 7 out of 10 operators, with a strong imbalance towards the North where women are 76%, while in the South only 50%. “A gap between North and South, that of healthcare, which is linked to the difficult conditions that women have to face,” explains Marlene Giugliano, of Anaao Donne. “In Campania the average monthly cost of a nursery school is 300 euros and there is only 1 nursery place for every 10 children”.

28 MAR – “In the South, women who work in the NHS have to choose between family and career and for the families of white coats there is almost no help. An unacceptable situation that must be remedied.” The regional secretary of Anaao Assomed declared this in a note Bruno Zuccarelli, commenting on the data of a regional survey conducted by the Anaao Women’s Group, which he sees as responsible Marlene Giugliano.

“In Italian healthcare facilities – adds Zuccarelli – we have 220 company nurseries, of which 208 are in the North (23 in Lombardy alone). In Campania there are only 2 nursery schools in 16 hospital companies: Cardarelli and Federico II University Hospital. The Moscati in Avellino had a nursery which was closed with the pandemic and to date the baby parking of the Colli Hospital is closed. A shameful and desolate condition.”

But the data collected by the union also says something else: yesand we look at the staff of the national health service, 68% are women, almost 7 operators out of 10, with a strong imbalance towards the North where women are 76%, while in the South only 50%. “A gap between North and South, that of healthcare, which is linked to the difficult conditions that women have to face – he explains Marlene Giugliano -, after all, in Campania the average cost of the monthly fee for a kindergarten is 300 euros, with figures that in some cases even reach 600 euros. And in our region there is only one place in nursery school for every 10 children.”

This is why the Campanian women of Anaao ask to be heard by regional institutions, as well as by hospitals and healthcare companies.

Three key points on which to intervene: creation of company nurseries which represent a form of attention to the needs of its employees and allow for a better balance between home and work; replacement of managers on compulsory leave due to maternity or paternity and application of existing rules, such as hourly flexibility; ⁠appointment, constitution and functioning of the Single Guarantee Committees (Cug).

“They are bodies that provide proactive, consultative and verification tasks regarding equal opportunities and organizational well-being to contribute to the optimization of the productivity of public work, facilitating the efficiency and effectiveness of services and promoting affection for work, guaranteeing a working environment in which any form of discrimination is combated,” explains Giugliano. “In regions like ours these bodies only have a formal role, which we are no longer willing to accept”.

March 28, 2024
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