«With my first money I bought a Bentley and 7 houses, today I earn 2 thousand euros for 90 minutes. The illness? I lost 20 kilos”

Costantino Vitagliano was the tronista par excellence, the best-known character of Men and Women, a program that gave him success in the early 2000s….

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Costantino Vitagliano he was the tronista par excellence, the best-known character of Men and Women, a program that gave him success in the early 2000s. His life was full of professional and personal satisfaction but also of falls and disappointments. At this moment, Vitagliano is fighting his very personal fight against one autoimmune disease and gave an interview to Corriere della Sera, in which he explains: «Health? To say good would be an exaggeration: I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease a few months ago and I lost twenty kilos. However, the treatments seem to be working, I am reducing the cortisone which was causing side effects. I navigate by sight.” And about Lele Mora – who has been her agent for a long time – he confesses: “I heard it a short time ago, when it became known about my health problem.”

The interview with Costantino Vitagliano

Costantino Vitagliano in a few days, precisely on 10 June, he will turn 50 and in his interview with Corriere della Sera he says: «Until not long ago I would have been strange: come on, 50 years. Half century. Now I hear them all.” When he was at the height of his success, everyone wanted him: evenings in the most “in” clubs of the Milanese nightlife, for example, or in the most popular discos: «Now? Hosted discos are no longer held: there are events in shops and shopping centres. My work has remained the same as it was then, I use my image.”

Vitagliano also explained how well he earned when he was the most desired man in Italy: «A lot. Suffice it to say that on a whim I suddenly bought a Bentley for 250 thousand euros, that I had six or seven houses. I couldn’t quantify. At a certain point the requests were too many, to limit the evenings the agency raised the fee to the maximum, going beyond ten thousand euros for an hour. And instead of decreasing, the questions increased. I earned and made others earn. I earn much less today than I did then, obviously. Two thousand euros plus expenses for 90 minutes. But I can choose, I can evaluate the offers they make to me.”
Costantino also talked about the telephone chats with the fans: «With those alone in a year I turned over a million euros. The fans would call 899 and talk to me, listen to me. Sometimes I told about my day, what I did, normal things.”

Constantine’s 50th birthday

In the end, Costantino Vitagliano He took stock of his 50 years and said: «Positive, I achieved everything I wanted as a kid, which was to be the most beautiful. Not the footballer, not anything else: it was the 90s and I wanted to be the most beautiful of all. For a while I did it. I watched TV, I saw luxury clothes, cars, holidays: I was born in the suburbs to a simple family and I was hungry for everything. I wanted to make a lot of money. I gave myself and mine what I hadn’t had. Today I spend as much time as possible with my daughter Ayla (8 years old), the true joy. I’m happy to give her what I missed: mom and dad always worked to support us. He, Orazio, security guard; she, Rosa, did the cleaning. I got to where I am by allowing my family to lead a life a little different than the one I started from. Then mum didn’t want to leave the public housing because she was very attached to it…”


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