Francesco Chiofalo and the shock operation: “I’m missing 5 centimeters”

The former Pupa and Secchione, after the surgery to change the color of his eyes, thinks about lengthening his legs. But the web attacks him. He explains what he has in mind.

Thomas Pietrangelo


Author, journalist, singer-songwriter. Graduated in Foreign Literatures, he is passionate about cinema, poetry and Shakespeare. He writes songs and loves cats.

Source: IPA

Maybe he fell for it again. Francesco Chiofaloa TV personality known for his participation in The Pupa and the Nerdmay be ready for a new surgery. Recently changed the color of his eyeswith some health problems soon after. Now, as he revealed to a weekly magazine, Chiofalo is thinking of grow taller (but he’s not short, already 1.80). And while the web is sinking him for yet another questionable choice, he decides to expose himself with a video on Instagram. Where explain what he has Really intention to do. Apologizing also to the fiancée Drusilla Gucci for not listening to her. Here below all the details of history.

Francesco Chiofalo, the crazy idea (after the eyes)

Another round, another intervention. A NewTvin a recent interview, Francesco Chiofalo admitted the next dream: after the eyes (turned blue) he would like to undergo a leg lengthening operation. It seems like something halfway between a provocation and the truth, but in the meantime the network is attacking him left and right, so he can’t do anything but take cover. “This weekend,” says Chiofalo, “I saw articles circulating on the web and social media about an interview I gave to a weekly magazine where I declared that I wanted to undergo leg lengthening surgery. Naturally, I received hundreds of messages and insults on social media…I don’t pay attention to it anymore. Since I’ve read all sorts of things about this story, I decided to explain to you how things are”.

The promised explanation comes with an Instagram story: “So I admitin the last few days I gave an interview to a weekly magazine in which they asked me what plastic surgery I would like to undergo and I said that it fascinates me a lot the one to lengthen the legs. I’ll start by saying that I’m not very tall but I’m not short either, I’m 1.80m tall, however, I have a very large chest opening and I don’t look slenderin fact, I give the impression of being stocky. In fact, many people think that I am very short, then, when they see me live they are amazed”. We are in the realm of social narcissism. Chiofalo is not short, but he would like more. Especially driven by what others think of him (without having ever met him, by the way).

So the ex Pupa and Nerd continues: “I was a model for many years and I’ve never been able to walk the catwalk why me those damned five centimeters were missing. For five centimeters, if I had walked the catwalk, my modeling career would have been totally different but these centimeters have always penalized me. Obviously, if I now have an operation to increase my height I can’t parade because I’m 35 years old and I’m old, but it’s something I’d like to do. Currently, in the European Union it’s illegal but when it will be legal, it is easy that I will do this intervention”. So there is the promise (law permitting) that sooner or later Chiofalo will end up lengthening his legs. A very risky interventionbanned in our continent precisely because of the possible consequences.

At the end of the social video, Francesco also launches a poll. “Do you think it’s dangerous?”. 92% of his followers answer “yes”. This alone should make Chiofalo understand that the path is not recommended and not advisable. But a fixation on appearanceit is difficult to eradicate. In addition, there is the precedent of the eyes, which seems to galvanise the person directly concerned quite a bit.

Social Apologies to Drusilla Gucci

Indeed Francesco Chiofalo he changed the color of his eyes. He did it against the advice of social media (as is happening now with his legs) and above all against the will of his girlfriendDrusilla Gucci. Now, with the games over, he still tries to apologize with a public message. Always on Instagram. “It’s true, you were right”says Francis to his Drusilla, “probably with these celestial eyes I don’t look like myself anymorethey changed my look, I look different, another person and actually I still have to get used to seeing myself like this… now I understand why for you it was a trauma at first see me with these blue eyes”. Then he continues, with a sort of false self-pity: “You fell in love with me when I had another look and I imagine it must have been hard for you to see me so different from when we first met. But despite the initial difficulty, you managed to move on and accept me even so and this for me was the most important thing of all. And I will never stop saying thank you my love! PS Now I have bluer eyes than you”.

The final apology, and the “captatio benevolentiae”, try to appease Drusilla Gucci. She replies with an amused emoticon, but who knows what he said in private in Chiofalo. If it really does also lengthen its legs, the next step could be, who knows, shorten the ego a bit giant. But it is a very risky operation. You could lose followers. A lot. Better not to risk it.

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