“Then I start hitting” – Libero Quotidiano

The tones are getting warmer Fourth Republic when we start talking about Ilaria Salis e illegal occupationand even the host Nicola Porro loses patience.

Among the guests of the Monday night talk show on Rete 4 there is Annamaria Addantepresident of the tenants and owners association Ater Romawho insists: “Legality does not mean taking something from someone else who has more right than you to have it. This is robbery!”. The role of “social avenger” claimed by the new MEP of the Green Alliance and the Left, in short, does not hold up.

“Go and report Salis – he provokes Piero Sansonettidirector of theUnit -. Why are they after her? Do you know how many MPs have a definitive conviction? She has no pending charges in Italy, no complaints or convictions. If you bring me proof that she committed an illegality, we can discuss it”.

“Why did Salis occupy a house? – replies Addante – She lives there, she has 90 thousand euros of debt!”. A verbal brawl begins that Porro tries to calm down: “I can’t understand why in this study we can’t say a very simple thing: these people in those houses they shouldn’t be there. It has something to do with Salis because she occupied two houses! If you make it personal I’ll move on to something else, I don’t care, I don’t even know who the people you’re mentioning are. There’s a problem here! Why can’t this lady (Addante, ed.) speak? I’m the host and I couldn’t hear her reasoning. Do you want her to speak?”.

Sovereign Plague: Ilaria Salis's Delirium After the Vote in France | Watch

The idea of ​​occupying houses and giving them to those who are still waiting and on the waiting list bounces around in the studio, and this time Porro jumps: “With this criterion I transform myself into Charles Bronsonnext time I see someone making a mess in the subway or is there public order? I start hitting everyone! Let’s occupy, fameit looks like a Big Monsters movie!

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