The best pillows for sleeping on your side and the reasons why you should choose it

The best pillows for sleeping on your side and the reasons why you should choose it
The best pillows for sleeping on your side and the reasons why you should choose it

Underestimate the importance of having the right support when you sleep can have negligible consequences on psychological and fiscal well-being, especially if you are part of that percentage of the population that sleeps on the side. Unlike the supine position, where the cervical is the most worrying, the lateral position must have the correct alignment of the spine as its priority. And this is precisely why the pillows for side sleepers.

To sleep well on your side you need to have the right pillow

Depending on which side you fall asleep on, the side sleep can have several health benefits, such as better breathing, less heartburn and alleviation of neck and back discomfort. To ensure that these do not disappear, instead giving way to joint pain, migraines and sleep disorders, have the right pillow it’s the priority to put at the top of the list. Fortunately, today the sleep market is in full expansion and is developing increasingly high-performance and specific cushions, therefore capable of meeting the needs of every single person through carefully studied technologies and ergonomics.

Anyone who has thehabit of falling asleep on your sideyou will therefore be able to rely on pillows specifically designed to provide the ideal combination of support and comfort, and therefore to guarantee a truly restful and regenerating sleep experience.

Why might you need a different pillow if you are a side sleeper?

To better understand why side sleepers should change their pillow and clarify the characteristics that a pillow for side sleepers should havewe turned to some experts in the sector, namely Sleep Science Coach Rosie Osmun of Sleep Junkie and osteopath Anisha Joshi.

“The position you sleep in determines the thickness of the pillow and the level of firmness you need,” explains Rosie Osmun, adding that “sleeping well depends on the alignment of your spine.” “Some may feel sore when the neck is not in a neutral position,” notes osteopath Anisha Joshi, “but support should relieve pain and help you sleep well.”

What kind of pillows should side sleepers use?

“Side sleepers need a firm pillow with greater height to keep their neck in line with the rest of their body,” explains Osmun. Additionally, Rosie notes that contoured pillows are often recommended for this sleeping position, because they have two edges that allow you to choose the side that best fits your neck, and memory foam tends to be a good material for support and for keep your neck aligned.

What to consider when buying a side sleeping pillow

A good test, suggests Anisha, is to evaluate the ability of the pillow to maintain the position once you lie down: «If the pillow puts you in a comfortable position, it will help your muscles to relax», explains Anisha. “You should consider which positions cause pain or discomfort in your neck when standing, and make sure your pillow works to counteract this.” Other? Rosie adds, “You can also place pillows between or under your knees to reinforce healthy spinal alignment.”

The best pillows for side sleepers

Once you understand the importance of the right pillow, all that remains is to find the one that best meets your preferences, habits and needs, including economic ones. Here, then, is a guide to purchasing them best pillows for side sleepers (if left, even better).

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