But is drinking milk for breakfast really as bad as they say? The expert finally clarifies

But is drinking milk for breakfast really as bad as they say? The expert finally clarifies
But is drinking milk for breakfast really as bad as they say? The expert finally clarifies

Milk is one of the most demonized drinks, but is it really bad to drink it for breakfast? Here is the expert’s answer.

There is so much information online that there is now a lot of confusion about foods. Milk is one of the most demonized of all: but is it really like that? Here’s what the expert reveals about the effect of milk on adult men.

But is drinking milk for breakfast really as bad as they say? Ilciriaco.it

Reading on different sites and social networks it often circulates the idea that milk is a drink that is harmful to adulthood, unlike the pediatric age. Over the years, various theories and hypotheses have followed one another: but how are things really? Here you are what the expert reveals in the field.

Is adult milk bad for you? Here is the expert’s answer

Browsing the web, what we read most about the milk issue is that man is the only living being to drink it even in adulthood, i.e. after weaning. For mammals it would therefore become harmful to drink milk and the calcium intake from this substance could be easily replaced with other sources. Milk intake therefore It wouldn’t be good for your bones as in pediatric age. The accusations against milk then concern its composition and in particular the carcinogenic effect of casein, which would be a promoter of prostrate cancer. Many people prefer plant-based milk to cow’s milk because it is too much rich in fattherefore not very suitable for a weight loss diet, so what is the truth?

The expert finally clarifies-Ilciriaco.it

The dietician Giorgio Calabreseas reported by Gusto.it, sheds light on the topic. Milk provides all the nutrients when the mother gives it to the newborn baby, but what happens after weaning? It’s 80% done from proteins or caseins, demonized ones, but these substances are protective cell membranes. In fact, the truth is that even oncology centers suggest drinking milk and taking dairy products because these proteins have the function of giving both vitamin D and calcium.

The problem is only for those with lactose intolerance, that is, it does not absorb milk sugar, and so in that case you can drink lactose-free milk or prefer vegetable milk. But essentially milk in adulthood is not harmful, it would therefore be indicated to take it as a prevention against cancer and not the other way around. We must therefore dispel all myths that have no scientific basis. Milk isn’t bad for youbut on the contrary, those who continue to drink it into adulthood provide the body with fundamental substances for the bones and for the prevention of cancer.

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