here’s what it will be called (or maybe not) – DiLei

here’s what it will be called (or maybe not) – DiLei
here’s what it will be called (or maybe not) – DiLei

It is now well known news that Fabrizio Corona will become father for the second time. The announcement was made a while ago that his girlfriend Sara Barbieri is expecting. Pregnant with a boy or a girl? Today, June 26th, the revelation has comeobviously via the Instagram profile of the former paparazzi king.

Fabrizio Corona, the sex of his son revealed

In the video published by Fabrizio Corona, in total silence, except for Somewhere Only We Know in the background, he jokes with his partner, who seems to be sulking a bit. The reason? She is not pregnant with a daughter.

It will therefore be the second baby boy for the famous entrepreneur, who did not stop with this announcement. In fact, he also revealed the name of the unborn child. A little brother for Carlosfirstborn from the relationship with the ex-historical Nina Moric. The future father of two was hoping for a girl, just like the future mother, but it was not to be.

Fabrizio Corona’s dream

Fabrizio Corona had not minced his words when speaking on the pages of the weekly Who of the upcoming birth of his second child. She had explained that she longed for a girl after Carlos was born.

A completely new and long-awaited experience, to the point of dryly saying: “I don’t want it as a boy”. Jokingly, then, she had an unlikely name hypothesizedin case things didn’t go as he hoped (as they will): “At that point I’ll call him Fabrizio Corona Junior. All in one piece, with my name and surname. I hope it’s a girl anyway, because it’s always been my dream.”

During that interview, he let himself go particularly wild. The joy of the splendid news had made him very talkative, to the point of even revealing his possible date of birth. According to calculations, little Corona will come into the world on December 25th. It is not certain, of course, considering the uncertain times of a pregnancy, but deep down he seems to hope quite a bit that he can come into the world “on Jesus’ day”. There are therefore six months to go until the arrival of his second child, the first with the model Sara Barbieri.

As mentioned, the latter was at the center of his sex announcement reel. Here is what is read in the post: “Sara is sad because she is male. I’m sorry about you. She’s coming Johnny Maria Corona”. Immediately after the video appeared online, however, it was the future mother who spoke out.

She immediately took action, posting a “remedial” comment. She wanted to underline that it was not at all true that the news of her sex had made her sulk: “Idiot (laughter emoticon, ed.), It is not true!”.

A response made necessary following some rather polemical comments. However, it is not the only thing said by the model. Jokingly, she simply hoped that her child would be calmer than his father, and then made a revelation about her name: “He won’t be called Johnny”.

It is not clear, therefore, whether Corona was entirely joking or whether a “negotiation” is currently underway between the couple to decide the name to give to the unborn child. They have six months to reach an agreement.

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