The first Silent Reading Book arrives in Turin: an immersion in reading and nature – Turin Chronicle

The Trepertrè Aps association organizes the first silent reading book in Turin which invites all citizens of Turin, and beyond, to unplug from the daily frenzy and immerse themselves in the pleasure of reading, in an oasis of peace surrounded by greenery.


The initiative, free and open to all, offers a simple and regenerating experience: bring your favorite book with you, choose a suggestive place among the meadows, under the trees or on the park benches, turn off your mobile phone and let yourself be enveloped by stories. A way to rediscover the slow pace of reading, to share the passion for books with other readers and to reconnect with nature.

«Take a break & read a book is not just a reading event – he says Alex Marchetti, president of the Trepertrè Aps association -, but an opportunity to rediscover psychophysical well-being, to stimulate the imagination and to create positive connections. In a world dominated by frenzy and technology, it becomes increasingly important to carve out moments of silence and introspection, dedicated to self-care and learning. Immersing yourself in reading the pages of a book allows you to escape from daily stress, broaden your horizons and nourish your soul.”


The event is aimed at readers of all ages and genres, those who love gripping novels, i essays enlightening or emotional poems. The Trepertrè association also invites non-regular readers to take this opportunity to rediscover the pleasure of reading, in an evocative and relaxing context.

The appointment is for Saturday 22 June at the Parco dei Laghetti in Falchera, from 5pm to 7pm. In case of bad weather, the event will be held at Via delle Querce 23/bis in Turin. For further information you can consult the website or contact the Trepertrè association on 351.3776197.

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