Selvaggia Lucarelli examines the rise and fall of the Ferragnez

Almost five months later, the clamor that overwhelmed Chiara Ferragni with the now famous Pandoro-gate continues to hold sway. The media impact and beyond has been overwhelming and if there is one person who knows and continues to delve into this story in great detail, it is certainly Selvaggia Lucarelli. The book that the blogger dedicated to the story will be released on May 14th with a title that immediately gives an idea of ​​what the reader will find among the 250 pages: “Pandoro’s Vase, the rise and fall of the Ferragnez”. The allusion to the pandoro who uncovered a red-hot pot like never before and to Ferragni’s private crisis with Fedez are the distinctive features of the volume.

A volume that promises to be rich, indeed very rich, with a focus on the communication models of the influencer and the singer and their evolution to meet what the preface of the book calls “rapid and pervasive consumption needs”. Last December 15th Chiara Ferragni was fined by the Competition and Market Authority for unfair commercial practice. It all started due to the commercial operation which featured the pandoro branded with her name and the charity initiative to raise funds for children suffering from cancer. Selvaggia Lucarelli concentrated on a joint empire that seemed to have very solid foundations, namely that of the Ferragnez. However, it didn’t take much for everything to collapse, starting from the 45 million followers that the two managed to conquer over time. “Pandoro’s Vase, the rise and fall of the Ferragnez” is first of all an investigation that aims to reach deeper reflections.

In fact, the blogger wonders how dangerous it is to manage a success that risks vanishing like a soap bubble. Published by Paperfirst, Selvaggia Lucarelli’s new book retraces in detail all the vicissitudes experienced by the Ferragnez, from the legal ones to the media ones, before the emotional separation. “Pandoro’s Box” presents itself as a sort of sociological analysis of the famous couple, with the promise of revealing hitherto unpublished details about what has happened recently and about which there is the impression that everything has been said. The conclusion of the book is not marked by optimism: according to Selvaggia Lucarelli the vase of the title can concern any of us, whether it is sealed hermetically or in the event of a dangerous opening.

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NEXT Paride Vitale, the presentation of the new book “D’amore e d’Abruzzo” at MAXXI (with Victoria Cabello)