Gianduja (distracted) makes a mistake and chaos breaks out

During the episode of June 9th the reigning champions are eliminated by Maria, Cristina and Simona, who lose themselves in the grand finale

Rosanna Ilaria Donato

Web Content Editor

Graduated in Media Languages, I have been dedicated to the world of entertainment for 10 years. I worked as a freelance web content editor for various publications.

In the new episode of Chain reaction of the June 9, 2024broadcast on Rai 1 and conducted by Pino Teachthe reigning champions – Marongiu (Rosalba, Alessandra and Antonella) – challenge the Gianduja (Cristina, Maria and Simona), who took the title away from the leaders, playing a great game until the “One leads to another” heat and then losing themselves in the last chain and in the grand finale. Let’s see together what happened late yesterday afternoon and the controversies on social media, as always the order of the day.

Chain Reaction, episode of June 9, 2024: what happened

A race that started very well, with the new arrivals, the Gianduja, without brakes and a ready joke, in particular Maria, the most confident of the three women who at a certain point heads towards the host and then they dance together in the center of the studio. All three support each other, trying to give solutions and succeeding especially during the musical chains, the zips and the “One leads to another” heat.

Zot before the winning Intesa was missed by Marongiu, quite a bit subdued compared to the previous day, who gave 5 seconds more to their opponents, playing with only 55 seconds available during one of the most awaited challenges of the episode. The winning agreement is lost give her reigning champions: they find only 5 terms, while the Giandujas find 8, after having had problems with the first word of the winning Entente because Christinathe one who should guess the right answers, forget to press the button (happens 3 times, with a delay, during the heat), saying: “I am falling asleep…“.

Once the Marongiu have said goodbye, the Gianduja find themselves with a prize money of 145 thousand euroshalved so many times that it reaches the end of the last chain with 142 euros to be divided by three. We are not seeing an extraordinary performance, even given that they also buy the third elementfinding himself having to guess the word that has to do with both “influence” with either “tail“, whose initials are “St” and the final letter is “o”. The answer is “Stadium“, but it is wrong: the authors’ word is “I train“. The new champions return home empty-handed, ready to show up again today to aim for victory again.

Comments on social media

As usual, i negative comments on social media they are always numerous and quite heavy most of the time: “What a fool these champions are“, “Competitors found at the flea market, warehouse remnants“, “Well done along the way, but absolutely disappointing both in the agreement and in the last chain! Patience…“. It’s still: “Yes, they are nice, even if they will never even win the money for the pizza“, “But what tests do they do to choose these 3…“, “Then when they are good they kill them as happened with the boys from Livorno“, “Embarassing“.

But it didn’t end there: “The two poorest teams that I remember“, “They seemed so good. Meh“, “Just think, they will be there tomorrow too…“, “What a figure they are making, with such an easy chain! I’m ashamed for them“.There is also no shortage of comments regarding the halved prize pool: “They made a mistake of 142 euros“, “You owe the show 30 cents tonight“, “Prize money: train ride for one of them“, “From 140 thousand to 140 euros in an instant“, “The only consolation is that mathematics prevents competitors from going negative and owing money to Rai“.

In short, there was a lot of criticism but not only of the competitors: “This season I would eliminate Pino Insegno’s excessive sarcasm” And “The host is simply old and boring, unlike the Black Cat“.

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