Big Brother, has the first contestant for the next edition been found? His name is on everyone’s lips

A character who has been talked about a lot in recent months could be the first contestant in the next edition of Big Brother.

The castings for the next edition of the Big Brother they’ve been open for a couple of weeks now but if experience teaches us anything then we already know that we won’t know the complete cast of the season at least until a month after the finale. However the production may have found the first competitora celebrity who for a few months, between gossip and news, has really been on everyone’s lips.

For the moment, it is worth saying, the gossip expert Amedeo Venza has only spoken about ongoing negotiations, but, of course, if the talks were to conclude positively, it would be a significant blow for the Canale 5 reality show. So who would it be? this possible first VIP competitor? Cristiano Iovino, the personal trainer who hit the headlines for his alleged flirtation with Ilary Blasi first (the straw that broke the camel’s back between the presenter and Francesco Totti would have been his messages) and for his association with Oriana Marzoli then. Nothing compared to the outcry caused by his beating in the City Life district of Milan, which occurred on the night between 21 and 22 April, and which also saw Fedez personally involved (who reportedly reached an economic agreement with Iovino to avoid the denunciation ).

He will gloat Alfonso Signorini (who will return as host) if the personal trainer’s participation is confirmed, while the hunt for competitors and all possible rumors about the next season has now begun. To think that only a week ago, in the columns of CHI, the director had warned all those who were preparing to send the application. He begged them, in fact, to be a little more original than usual.”I would like to enter the Big Brother House to find myself” because, as he wrote, you can also find yourself in your own home, without the need to enter the most watched house in Italy. A sign that, also taking note of the flop of his other flagship reality show – The Island of the Famous -, Mediaset is thinking big about the next edition of the GF.

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