Piotta sues the Tenco Prize, the Roman rapper ready to ask for compensation: what happens

Piotta sues the Tenco Prize, the Roman rapper ready to ask for compensation: what happens
Piotta sues the Tenco Prize, the Roman rapper ready to ask for compensation: what happens

Piotta he doesn’t agree. Through his lawyers, the Roman rapper has decided to present a formal warning to the president of the Targhe Tenco, asking for access to the documents and the suspension of the award for the category “Best album in dialect”. Tommaso Zanello, this is the real name of the voice of Supercafone, 51 years old, wants to see things clearly after the exclusion of his album ‘Na notte infame from the awards named after the late singer-songwriter of Ciao amore ciao, considered among the highest recognitions of Italian songwriting. He is willing to go all the way and ask, if necessary, for compensation. And while the Piotta case is mounting, another one breaks out: Andrea Satta, who at 64 – half of which spent as the frontman of the folk rock band Têtes de Bois – had earned a nomination in the category “Best first work” with his solo debut album Niente di nuovo tranne te, has decided to withdraw. “I believe that the Plaque for the “Best First Work” should only involve artists who for the first time “ever” face the world of recording,” he said, earning the applause of those on social media asking for a review of the rules. But now what will happen to the votes that the singer-songwriter had already received? And will one of the excluded ones be fished out in his place in the five finalists? For now, there has been no response from the Club Tenco board.

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Piotta has also been waiting for answers for days, having officially asked yesterday to have access to the voting records: the rapper wonders how it is possible that his album, imbued with Romanness from the very title, despite the many votes it received from the critics who make up the jury of the awards, was not considered suitable by the organizers of the awards for the category “Best album in dialect” and therefore excluded. “According to the unequivocal parameters of our regulation, the lyrics of the work are not written and sung for more than 50% in any dialect or minority language”, the board of directors of the Tenco Club underlined in recent days. Even the Accademia della Crusca intervened on the matter through its president Paolo D’Achille, professor of Italian Linguistics at the University of Roma Tre, who sided with the rapper: “Establishing the boundaries that separate the Roman dialect from Italian is difficult: Romanesco is in a position of continuum with the Italian language, that is, there is no gap between language and dialect. The Tenco Club used a criterion that, probably, in the case of Romanesco should have been tempered».

But nothing: the organizers remained firm in their positions. And so yesterday Piotta instructed his lawyers to assert his reasons, speaking of an “unreasonable and specious” exclusion. “It’s bizarre how a rapper who has long been associated with a city, Rome, is excluded for supposedly not being Roman at all,” Piotta reiterates, wondering why when ‘Na notte infame was entered into the Targhe Tenco, last March, the organizers didn’t notify him and his label, Altafonte, that the album didn’t meet the requirements to be nominated in the “Best Album in Dialect” category. “Only at the end of the voting did the board communicate that my album wasn’t eligible, despite the votes it received. But this way the result is doubly distorted: those who voted for me could have voted for someone else at that point”, reflects the rapper, who for this very reason is asking his lawyers to freeze the voting – the five finalists in the “Best album in dialect” category are Eleonora Bordonaro with Roda, Mesudì with Nodi, Setak with Assamanù, Massimo Silverio with Hrudja and Davide Van De Sfroos with Manoglia – which has been going on for four days now and will end this Friday.

Luigi Tenco’s family also intervenes on the matter, through their representative Michele Piacentini: «We hope that the organizers will provide all the information in the most transparent way possible». The Club Tenco board is preparing, through its lawyers, a response to Piotta’s requests. Perhaps the only thing that can reassure the organizers is the fact that there has never been so much talk about the prizes as this year.


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