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“It broke my heart”

“It broke my heart”
“It broke my heart”

Twenty years after the debut of Lost, Maggie Grace confesses that she wishes her Shannon hadn’t been written out of the series so soon.

There are those who have not yet overcome the final of Lost and those who were even the protagonists of the series just can’t accept their character’s exit from the scene. It is the case of Maggie Grace, the actress who played Shannon Rutherford in the cult ABC series. The character of her, the spoiled white stepsister of Boone Carlyle played by Ian Somerhalderdidn’t have a very long story arc. Shannon actually died in the sixth episode of the second season. Interviewed by The Independentthe actress said she was still “devastated”, admitted that she had hoped to spend a little more time on screen and that she was still thinking about Shannon’s exit, which she called “the most heartbreaking thing in my career”.

Lost: Shannon deserved more according to Maggie Grace

Shannon certainly didn’t have a great impact on the audience, since she immediately appeared aloof, spoiled and unpleasant. In the end, however, she softened a bit after having established a particular relationship with Sayid (Naveen Andrews). Although, like many, Grace returned in the Lost finale, she admitted that she wished she had more of an inroads into the series. She said, however, that she understood the reasoning followed by the authors, saying a The Independent that the character “it was a kind of caricature of white privilege before that became fashionable.” “Maybe I was just too good at the job I was given of being incredibly annoying,” she added.

The actress also said she thought Shannon could redeem herself before she that she would become a less unlikeable character. “I thought maybe she would do something surprising, or give a different color to her personality. Maybe, at the last moment, she would redeem herself and somehow sacrifice herself. I think there were hints of that, but not in the way that I would have hoped in terms of the character’s arc. That’s the selfish point of view of an actress, they had better things to do,” she said.

Losto Turns 20: Maggie Grace’s Memories

Maggie Grace was 21 years old when she started working in Lost. Now that the series is officially turning 20, having first aired in 2004, the actress recalled the time when she and her co-stars were far away from the hustle and bustle of the world as the series exploded in popularity. “We were so far away in this little village — we were like a little theater troupe. It was before social media, which was a huge blessing for everyone’s mental health. And the concept of the popularity of the show was just so vague, fuzzy, and sort of like, ‘Oh, that’s cute,'” she said. After Lost, Grace went on to have roles on other TV series such as Fear the Walking Dead e Californication without breaking through though. We don’t know if a little more screen time in Lost and a storyline for his character that created more empathy with viewers could have changed the fate of his career. It will remain a mystery like many others Lost still left unanswered.

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