EMILIA-ROMAGNA: Regional Health and Fire Brigade, collaboration strengthens

EMILIA-ROMAGNA: Regional Health and Fire Brigade, collaboration strengthens
EMILIA-ROMAGNA: Regional Health and Fire Brigade, collaboration strengthens

Not only the emergency and disaster managementbut also daily operations Of two components essential for ensuring people’s safety: a comprehensive commitment is required of the Regional health service and there Fire fighterswhat time strengthen a consolidated collaboration to do, together, even better and even more.

It is state signed in Bolognaat the headquarters of the department, a five-year agreement between the General Directorate of Personal Care, Health and Welfare of the Region and the Regional Directorate of Fire Brigade, Public Rescue and Civil Defense of Emilia-RomagnaThe main objective of the agreement is the strengthening and simplifying operational exchanges between the two sectors, with particular reference to the training and drill staffbut also mutual support actions: for example, the maintenance and replenishment, by the health authorities, of the first aid supplies of the provincial fire brigade commands, or the management of defibrillators.

“The relationship with the Fire Brigade is fundamental, consolidated over time, which has already proven to work well in the many emergencies that Emilia-Romagna has had to face,” says the Councilor for Health Policies, Raffaele Donini-. Now we are strengthening it, with an agreement that aims to promote the integration of prevention and health promotion activities, the training and updating of personnel, the regularization of information flows and the creation of integrated rescue teams, where required. We are certain that the agreement can constitute another step forward for the safety and protection of the population and the territory”.

“The Emilia-Romagna Regional Fire Brigade Directorate – adds the regional director of the Emilia-Romagna Fire Brigade, engineer Francis Notary– has close institutional collaboration relationships with the Emilia-Romagna Region and in general with the territory. In fact, we have a three-year agreement in place with the Regional Agency for Land Security and Civil Protection and the resulting Annual Operational Programs for the Forest Fire Prevention sector, as well as a collaboration with the Region-Health Sector which has resulted in numerous agreements: the first for the periodic maintenance of medical devices, including defibrillators present in the offices and on the Fire Brigade vehicles, a subsequent agreement for the disinfestation of stinging hymenoptera, renewed every year, then an agreement for the integration of the USAR (Urban Search and Rescue) Fire Brigade teams with doctors and nurses from the 118 emergency health service. Also in order to strengthen and consolidate the broad sphere of institutional relations between the parties, in agreement with the Councilor for Health Policies, Raffaele Donini, the opportunity to sign a Framework Agreement was positively assessed, which would act as a general framework for all the agreements already stipulated in previous years and also identify further areas of collaboration”.

Multiple the forms of collaboration at the heart of the agreement: to promote professional development of firefighter operators who intervene in every emergency context, through contact and collaboration with the various sectors of the Regional Health Directorate, to strengthen the assessment and approach capabilities to rescue intervention; contribute to the carrying out of studies and research faces to technological innovation in the fields of emergency management, with the aim of increase operator safety and improve the timeliness of intervention of the fire brigade teams and the regional health system; organize events, seminars, internships or placements and form study and work groups; provide exchange of information and experiences.

And again, enhance the opportunities of professional update of the collaborators of the General Directorate of Personal Care, Health and Welfare of the Region, especially those with particular specificities, such as for example the NBCR teams (Nuclear Biological Chemical Radiological) and TO USE (UrbanSearch and Rescue), or those who work at rescue of pets and livestock.

Another point of agreement: regulate the maintenance and replenishment of sanitary equipment support services available at the provincial fire brigade commands of Emilia-Romagna; implement early defibrillation projects in favor of the population by the Fire Brigade; finally, develop initiatives aimed at improving the community resilience in case of disaster, and to spread information to the population and companies.


JULY 2, 2024

ROMAGNA: Trains, Faenza line closed in August, alarm from 16 mayors


It is one of the most evocative railway routes in the country, as scenic as it is problematic. The Faenza line, which has connected Faenza and Florence for over a century, is particularly subject to closures and suspensions of service, primarily because of the mountainous territory it crosses between Romagna and Tuscany. During the flood period, the closure was ordered due to landslides along the route, and with every wave of bad weather the risk of landslides recurs. So much so that it was decided to completely close the line in August, for railway improvement works. The measure has infuriated the mayors of the 16 municipalities crossed by the tracks, including those of Faenza and Brisighella, who have signed a letter of protest pending a meeting with the Tuscany Region, scheduled for these days. “The time when August emptied the cities and filled the holiday resorts has been over for a few decades,” write the mayors. “Workers continue to move this month too – the note reads – and the inconvenience will also be felt by all tourists who have Mugello and the Faenza hills as their destination”. Inconveniences exacerbated by the simultaneous closure of via Bolognese in Mugello and by the construction sites that affect the Faentina 302 road. Work is also underway on the Bologna-Portomaggiore and Bologna-Prato railway lines, for the first section the construction site started in June, for the second it will begin in December. The Emilia-Romagna Region has provided a 10% discount on season tickets for commuters.

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