two injured in intensive care and the third on his way to transfer to Caltanissetta

two injured in intensive care and the third on his way to transfer to Caltanissetta
two injured in intensive care and the third on his way to transfer to Caltanissetta

The twenty-four-year-old and the thirty-two-year-old who, during the night, were involved in theRoad accident on Viale Delle Dune in San Leone. Doctors found both of them to have a serious cerebral hemorrhage. The thirty-two-year-old, shortly after being admitted to the San Giovanni di Dio hospital in Agrigento with a red code, underwent a delicate surgical operation and was then transferred to intensive care. The health workers are trying to do everything they can to stabilize them and, in fact, save their lives.

Accident in San Leone: Collision between two scooters, a 20-year-old dead and three seriously injured

The clinical picture of the twenty-eight-year-old who arrived under code yellow was also serious, but not life-threatening. The boy suffered a fracture of a main vertebra. He is currently still in the emergency room because the doctors asked for a consultation from the Black Surgery colleagues at the Sant’Elia hospital in Caltanissetta. An 118 helicopter emergency service, coming from Caltanissetta, has just landed at “San Giovanni di Dio”: it is likely that the twenty-eight year old could be transferred to the Nisseno hospital to undergo a major surgery.

Both the victim of the road accident, 20 year old Salvatore Vetroas the three injured are all from Favara.

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NEXT the Government is studying ad hoc measures, we cannot go on like this