Bad Weather in Piedmont, Destructive Hail: Devastation in Cuorgnè

Bad Weather in Piedmont, Destructive Hail: Devastation in Cuorgnè
Bad Weather in Piedmont, Destructive Hail: Devastation in Cuorgnè

A very violent hailstorm caused devastation late in the evening Heart, Canavese Rock, Canavese Oven, leather e Borgiallo, in Piedmont. Huge grains, very serious damage that will only be better ascertained once the disturbance ends tomorrow. Many cars are destroyed, with holes in their windshields. The bad weather is hitting central-northern Piedmont and the Aosta Valley very hard: in the last six hours, as many as 172mm of rain in Noasca, 155mm at Alpe Veglia, 130mm in Cogne, 119mm at the Zamboni Zappa Refuge, 115mm in Varzo, 109mm in Forno Alpi Graie, 106mm in Macugnaga, 100mm in Balme, 70mm to Corio, 49mm in Avigliana, 46mm in Burgundy Susa.

Due to bad weather, flooding of the main streams in the Cogne valley has been recorded. The town is already isolated due to a landslide that occurred a few hours ago. Debris flows occurred along five gullies in the valley and the Valnontey stream has been recorded as overflowing.

The authorities are urging the population not to travel on municipal roads. The debris flow that forced the closure of the regional road to Cogne occurred in the area of ​​the Epinel hamlet. Another landslide blocked traffic through the hamlet of Valnontey. Here, between 2 pm and 8 pm, the rain gauges recorded about 100 millimeters of rain, double that of the Champorcher area. In Cogne, debris flows occurred along the gullies of Pont du Teuf, Costa del Pino, Trajo, Les Ors, Tsa de sèche.

The Valle d’Aosta Regional Functional Center reports the exceeding of the H2 alert threshold (the second on an increasing scale of three points) in the waterways in Gressoney, Cogne and Valsavarenche.

Critical situation also in Piedmont.

Disastrous flood in Piedmont, terrible images from Noasca

Piedmont flood, the flooding of the Tambach stream in Macugnaga

Flood in Piedmont, dramatic situation in Chialamberto

Flood in Piedmont, dramatic situation in Noasca

Piedmont flood, the images from Noasca are scary

Bad weather, devastation in Cogne due to torrential rains

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