“Mattarella my prompter? Fake news”. And he ‘rebukes’ the president

“Mattarella my prompter? Fake news”. And he ‘rebukes’ the president
“Mattarella my prompter? Fake news”. And he ‘rebukes’ the president

“I have understood this anti-Semitism all my life: hidden, concealed, it was not the right time. But anti-Semitism has always been there. And this was the perfect opportunity to fire it in all respects and in all environments”. This is what Senator Liliana Segre said in an interview with In Onda on La7, commenting on the intensification of anti-Semitic episodes after October 7 in the Middle East. Can it be eradicated? “I think it cannot be eradicated”.

In the interview, ample space was given to the figure of the President of the Republic. “I respect Mattarella so much, in fact I love him like a brother.I am grateful to him, I like him as crooked as he is, a wonderful man, in the right place, woe betide if he wasn’t there! But he has nothing to do with this. I know it and he knows it very well. I don’t want to and I can’t keep quiet, I can also say something that Mattarella doesn’t think, but it’s never Mattarella who puts things in my mouth to say in the Senate“, says the senator on the allusion that her words on the reform of the prime ministerial office may have been suggested by Mattarella.

Allusion because woman? “I am very feminist. Undoubtedly the woman in a Latin country like this is always seen as someone who is not up to the man, certainly. And I don’t know how many more centuries it will take before each of us takes her place in the world. Maybe there is this side, but I don’t want to feel it. I prefer to think that men have not thought this way”.

“Since Mattarella made me a senator, I have taken this role very seriously. And since I was already so old when I became a senator, I have a certain difficulty going to Rome, trying to be present at certain votes,” she continues.I am grateful to Mattarella – she continues – but every time I met him I also scolded him a lot. It’s all his fault, I always tell him… I try to do my duty, but then there are a thousand things that interest me, I am, fortunately, a huge fan of reading, of music”.

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