Farewell to Maria Rosaria Omaggio, who gave her face to Fallaci. Funeral today in Rome

Farewell to Maria Rosaria Omaggio, who gave her face to Fallaci. Funeral today in Rome
Farewell to Maria Rosaria Omaggio, who gave her face to Fallaci. Funeral today in Rome

The portrait: a girl determined from the first audition, and then Baudo

A very long career spanning 50 years. She passed away at the age of 67, having been ill for some time, Maria Rosaria Omaggio had become popular at a very young age, at seventeen, with an edition of Canzonissima conducted, in the winter of 1973/74, by Pippo Baudo. Then a lot of cinema, a lot of theatre, many awards, including the Pasinetti in Venice, for the interpretation of Oriana Fallaci in the movie Walesa, the man of hope by Polish Andrzej Wajda, and the Salvo Randone award.

The funeralwill take place this afternoon, in the parish of San Giuseppe al Trionfale, the area of ​​the capital where he lived in recent years of his life, and who will say goodbye to her for the last time.

She was sick but she lived intensely until the end. In his career he has acted in dozens of films, plays, TV series, written books, directed prose plays and operas.

The announcement of the death was given on his Instagram account.”Dear Maria Rosaria. You left us. You began your new journey towards the spirituality you loved so much. You were a loving, enlightening, present friend. A beautiful and cultured woman. You will be greatly missed also by my little dogs, to whom you used to say, give a kiss from Aunt Marò“. She had had a husband and three important companions, but no children.


Actress and writer Maria Rosaria Omaggio has passed away, she was 67 years old. The portrait: 50 years of career, the eclectic artist who loved to change direction Maria Rosaria OmaggioLaPresse Maria Rosaria Omaggio Of Neapolitan origins, she began her career at a very young age, popular for her participation in Canzonissima in 1973-1974, her television debut, hosted by Pippo Baudo and then moving on to cinema and theater. Maria Rosaria OmaggioLaPresse Maria Rosaria Omaggio Cinema, television, theater and then writing with the publication of several books. An eclectic artist. Maria Rosaria OmaggioInstagram Maria Rosaria Omaggio Maria Rosaria Omaggio Career The actress was fighting against an illness. The actress, born in Naples but resident in Rome for years, was 67 years old. Behind her are 50 theatrical pieces, 29 films, 18 television dramas. Her debut on the big screen was with ”Roma a mano armata” by Umberto Lenzi, for the film ”Walesa – L’uomo della speranza” by Andrzej Wajda she played Oriana Fallaci and won an award in Venice. The general public met her on Rai with Canzonissima. She posed on the covers of Playboy and Playmen. Writer, goodwill ambassador for children of the United Nations, instructor of taiji quan, a Chinese martial art. She had had a husband and three important companions, but no children. Maria Rosaria Omaggio at the presentation of the drama “Donne di mafia”, 2001Ansa Maria Rosaria Omaggio at the presentation of the drama “Donne di mafia”, 2001 Maria Rosaria OmaggioGettyImages Maria Rosaria Omaggio Maria Rosaria OmaggioGettyImages Maria Rosaria Omaggio Maria Rosaria Omaggio in Fantastic Tales “Edgar Allan Poe – Night in the House of Usher”


Maria Rosaria Homage at the presentation of the drama “Donne di mafia”, 2001


Maria Rosaria Homage

Neapolitan, Roman by adoption

Born in Naples in 1957, Maria Rosaria Omaggio made her film debut in 1976 with Roma a mano armata and Squadra antiscippo, alongside Maurizio Merli and Tomas Milian. Her films include Culo e camicia by Pasquale Festa Campanile; Giocare d’azzardo by Cinzia TH Torrini; Le avventure dell’incredibile Ercole by Luigi Cozzi; Era una notte dark e stormosa… by Alessandro Benvenuti; Guido che sfidò le Brigate Rosse by Giuseppe Ferrara; Guardando le stelle by Stefano Calvagna; L’ave maria by Ninì Grassia. She has acted in many productions, among the most famous and recent ones To Rome With Love by Woody Allen (USA, Spain, Italy, 2012) and Mafia Women by Giuseppe Ferrara (Italy, 2001).


Maria Rosaria Homage

The Press

Maria Rosaria Homage

The television
On TV he has taken part in numerous variety shows and fiction, from Canzonissima to Dear Master 2, Mafia Women, The Team; Don Matteo 5.
Maria Rosaria Omaggio gave voice to Oriana Fallaci on the radio and in the audiobooks “La rabbia e l’orgoglio”, “Se nascerai donna” and “Pasolini, un uomo scomodo”. In the theater she created and performed “Le parole di Oriana in concerto”, a show broadcast on Rai5 and RaiPlay and also on stage in New York at the end of January 2020. The Rai1 film “Sabato, Domenica e lunedì”, from the comedy by De Filippo, directed by Edoardo De Angelis with Sergio Castellitto, in which she plays aunt Memè, won the 2022 Nastro d’argento as best TV movie.

Among his latest shows“Casa Pianeta Terra”: a journey through words, images and music from the West and the East, to communicate that Planet Earth is our home and above all that we are an integral part of it. In May 2023 in the auditorium of the Ara Pacis in Rome, on the occasion of the Night of the Museums, he brought back on stage with the singer Grazia Di Michele “chiamalavita” from works and songs by Italo Calvino, dedicated to child victims of war and to the hundredth anniversary of the birth of the great writer.

Great sportswoman, she practiced Tai Ji fist since 1988sword and fan and was a federal instructor CSI- Italian Sports Center. For her social commitment in 2005 she was nominated Goodwill Ambassador Unicef.


Maria Rosaria Homage

He wore a pin that belonged to the great Oriana, which a nephew had given her as a gift. “My first meeting with Oriana Fallaci was fortuitous,” she told ANSA in an interview. “It dates back to my youth: she was with her sister and it was on that occasion that she was introduced to me, for me it was a dream, I was 18 years old. But my story with Fallaci began way back in 2003. She was still alive. She had a project in mind to create the audiobook of her ‘La rabbia e l’orgoglio’ and she had thought of me to play it.”

Omaggio was very keen to reiterate that he had read everything about Fallaci: “To tell the true story of Fallaci, you have to do it using her words. You can’t talk about her by hearsay. You have to read what she wrote and not what others wrote about her. First of all, she was a courageous woman. She said: ‘freedom is not a choice, it’s a duty.'” And we are certain that Maria Rosaria Omaggio has also made it a feature of her life.

The Press

Maria Rosaria Homage

She has won numerous awards for her work as a writer. Many people today paid tribute to her, including the Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano: “It is with deep sorrow that I learn of the passing of Maria Rosaria Omaggio, an actress and performer capable of tackling complex roles and communicating with the public in an authentic and engaging way. Her commitment, passion and dedication to art have left an important mark on the world of cinema, theater and television. In this moment of great sadness, I wish to express my most sincere condolences to her family and loved ones”.

And this afternoon, Rome, the city that he welcomed her (and loved her), he will say goodbye to her for the last time.

Instagram Maria Rosaria Homage

Maria Rosaria Homage

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