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From stories about the flood to solidarity in the book “It will be pri-ma-vera again”

From stories about the flood to solidarity in the book “It will be pri-ma-vera again”
From stories about the flood to solidarity in the book “It will be pri-ma-vera again”

A red thread that connects the stories about the flood to charity. On May 15, the children’s story “Sarà di nuovo Pri-ma-vera” (It will be Pri-ma-vera again), written by Daniela Fognani and published by Nolica Edizioni, was published. Daniela, a teacher at the Riolo Terme Primary School, describes this story as a bridge that connects the flood of May 16, 2023 to the Spiaggia dei Valori (Sand Beach) of the Insieme a Te Association of Faenza, in Punta Marina Terme. The story represents a journey from tragedy to hope, united by imagination, which for the author is the essential ingredient to create this bond.

The idea for the story was born last summer, by the sea. Thinking back to the events she experienced with the students, Daniela saw her words flow from her mind with ease, creating a simple and touching narrative. The story, suitable for children of all ages, tells the story of the flood through the eyes of a little bird named Pri. After that unforgettable night, Pri finds himself alone and changed, but thanks to the meeting with special people, he finds the strength to react and a new reason for living.

“Publishing a story that talks about something that actually happened allows you to preserve the memory of that event over time. I don’t know if other children’s stories about the flood of May 16th have been published, but I think it’s nice that traces of it remain even through a story,” says the author. All proceeds from the sale of the book are donated to the Insieme a Te Association. The book is available in bookstores or online stores.

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