Julian Assange and the price of freedom: WikiLeaks must be archived

The plea bargain that cleared him included the destruction of previously unpublished cables

Julian Assange e WikiLeaks they are “guilty” of journalism, assuming that a similar crime can exist. That is, guilty of having unmasked the distortions of power, governments and the unspeakable war crimes committed by the United States in Afghanistan and Iraq. Revelations that in a democracy should be appreciated and not criminalized.

His release after over 5 years of – illegal – imprisonment in the maximum security prison in Belmarsh (London) is certainly an excellent sign. And it puts an end to the human and judicial odyssey which saw him as protagonist for 14 years. On the other hand, however, Assange had to give in to Washington’s requests – which demanded his extradition – by pleading guilty to one of the 18 charges hanging over his head: the one relating to the revelation of classified American material. It was all part of an agreement with the US Department of Justice. An obligatory choice – as we will see – which saved Julian, but not journalism.

In fact, the American authorities have ordered him to “take all actions within his power to bring him back to the United States (deliver, ndr) or destroy any unpublished information in its possession, custody or control, or that of WikiLeaks or any affiliate – we read in the signed agreement -. Defendant further agrees that, if the foregoing obligation requires him to instruct the WikiLeaks editor(s) to destroy such information or otherwise cause it to be destroyed, he will provide to the United States (or cause be provided to the United States) a sworn affidavit confirming the instruction given and will, in good faith, attempt to facilitate compliance with such instruction prior to sentencing.”

So, WikiLeaks must be archived and with it the cables (documents, ndr) not published. Among these “there are 15 thousand files of Afghan War Logs That Julian Assange e WikiLeaks set aside to protect potentially at-risk names – he wrote on X Stefania Maurizijournalist from Daily fact who worked with Assange for years -. Although I don’t remember exactly how many files, I know for sure that there is documentation on the Folgore in Afghanistan”.

Not only that. Washington has imposed on the journalist to “also waive all rights, asserted directly or through a representative, to request or receive from the United States any documentation relating to the Department of Justice of the United States of America relating to the criminal investigation, extradition and/or prosecution of the accused, including without limitation, any documentation that may be requested under the Freedom of Information Act (Foia)” and not to promote legal actions or requests for compensation. Translated, Assange will not be able to seek information on his judicial case.

Stella Moris Assange © Imagoeconomica

In all of this, the United States has admitted that “it has not identified any victims who could qualify (as entitled, ndr) to individual compensation” for the disclosure of secret documents. Therefore, no victims to compensate. A short sentence which however completely collapses the mud machine that Washington has built against the journalist by saying that his publications put the lives of US soldiers deployed in Afghanistan and Iraq at risk. That accusation cost him the charge of espionage on the basis ofEspionage Acta 1917 American law that makes no distinction between spies, who pass secret information to the enemy, and journalists who publish it to reveal atrocities to the public.

Yesterday evening during the press conference held in Canberra (Australia) Stella Moris Assange, Julian’s wife and former lawyer, has announced that she will try to obtain a pardon for him. However, the fact remains that at this moment Assange has pleaded guilty before US justice. But can he be considered such?

True, this plea deal could be used against other investigative journalists in the future, even if it saved Julian Assange. Before thinking about this, however, it is good to ask ourselves some questions. For example, what has the international community done in these years? What have the super partes legislative institutions that should – at least on paper – protect human rights done? Why have there been no European parties or governments capable of interpreting the popular feeling of solidarity towards Julian that has invaded the most important squares in the world?

Julian Assangehis family, WikiLeakshave been left alone. Abandoned to their own devices. Defended “only”, so to speak, by the thousands of people who demonstrated and protested for almost 15 years in their defense. Because no government has had the courage, strength and will to counter the American giant with sanctions, for example, so that it would withdraw the charges against the Australian journalist.

In doing so, Assange was forced – in effect – to negotiate a plea bargain to end his illegal detention in Belmarsh prison where he had been locked up for over 5 years, in a 2×3 meter cell and isolated 23 hours a day in open violation of international law. Only by plea bargaining was he able to avoid the risk of being extradited to the US, where he could have served up to 175 years in prison at ADX Florence, the toughest prison in the United States with a real risk of psychological torture. A place “not made for humanity”, as the former prison director described it Robert Hood.

Only in this way was he able to rediscover freedom: by pleading guilty. While the real war criminals, the real culprits, are still at large and have not served a day in prison.

A beautiful lesson in democracy.


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