Flood compensation 2022, topic in the Regional Council

Flood compensation 2022, topic in the Regional Council
Flood compensation 2022, topic in the Regional Council

““We will bring to the regional council the issues posed by the Committee to the Senate Environment Commission”

“As an assembly group of the Democratic Party we will try to bring the requests to the regional council presented yesterday by the 15 September Committee to the Senate Environment Committee through a specific motion which follows the questions and policy documents already presented in the aftermath of the flood.

The issues concerning the total compensation for damages, the increase in the maximum amounts for furniture and household appliances, as well as the safety of the territory to deal with phenomena that unfortunately now repeat themselves with high frequency are very important and the Regions, on this I agree with President Acquaroli, are not equipped with the necessary tools or resources. CThis, obviously, must not constitute a reason for disengagement for the Marche Region and cause the protection of the rights of citizens who suffered the 2022 flood and the implementation of the works necessary for the mitigation of hydrogeological risk to be relegated in the scale of priorities”.

This was said by the regional group leader of the Democratic Party Maurizio Mangialardi.

“I think that – continues Mangialardi – if the Marche Region, perhaps adequately solicited by the Municipality of Senigallia in its capacity as lead body for the flooded areas, had promptly supported the Committee’s proposals regarding, for example, the activation of the Special Office for Misa and Nevola, effectively remaining an empty box, or had promoted, as I requested, the formation of an institutional committee with the mayors, committees and trade associations, perhaps today we could tell a different story. Probably a whole series of procedures could have been accelerated, but also in the dialogue with Parliament and the national Government, both citizens and local institutions would have had greater bargaining power. I hope that the motion that we are going to present and which goes exactly in this direction can find a broad consensus, because around these issues there are no flags to plant, but only answers to give, possibly making up for the delays accumulated to date”.

Published Thursday June 27, 2024

at 12.24pm

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