“That desire to overcome the limit made him the person we loved”

“That desire to overcome the limit made him the person we loved”
“That desire to overcome the limit made him the person we loved”

Pesaro, 26 June 2024 – “Toxic yes, but for life”. So the friends of Stefano Aguzzi, 44 year old worker found dead last Friday at Miralfiore park for an alleged overdose, the friend recalls. They wrote a letter, words full of love, for “Smith”, this is the nickname of Stefano Aguzzi who underwent an autopsy yesterday and whose funeral is scheduled for tomorrow at 4pm in parish of Cattabrighe. We report the full text of the letter written by the friends.

The Miralfiore park in Pesaro

“Drug addict has been written by some newspapers. There’s no point in denying it, Stefano Aguzzi was certainly this too. But for those who really knew him, from his family to his childhood friends, Smith, as he was nicknamed by everyone for practically his whole life , he was much more. Or rather, perhaps he has always been toxic, but toxic to life, to love in all its forms, toxic to laughter, games, fun, music, meat and good wine… in short, everything what he was passionate about.”

“Whatever he did, he wanted to do it as best as possible, he was a sometimes maniacal perfectionist, he was intelligent and skilled in games that required an above average IQ, from poker, to chess, to anything that required calculations… Smith was fun, good company, he was able to make your day but at times he was also exasperating, insistent to the point of exhaustion. But just when you were about to explode, having reached your limit of tolerance, you couldn’t help but give in with a laugh to his requests, to his whims perpetrated with an innocence and tenderness typical of a child to whom you can’t say no. Smith loved a lot but above all he was loved, by women, by his brother, by his parents, by his friends… for his charisma, his charm, his goodness of heart and his frankness. Also for his stubbornness, which despite everything always led him to overcome himself, find work again, the love of a girl when he thought that the past, unfortunately never past, preceded him, hindering him in everyday life.”

“That desire to surpass himself and go beyond the limit took him where it took him but it made him the person we loved, that we love and that we will always love, for which there are no regrets. Smith was Smith and it couldn’t have been any other way “.

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