Becoming a Firefighter, 350 places available: how much you earn and the tests to pass – Turin News

The Ministry of the Interior has announced the opening of new competition for the National Fire Brigade, making 350 places available for future professional firefighters. This initiative is part of the ongoing campaign to strengthen the operational personnel of the Fire Brigade. To participate in the competition, candidates must meet various requirements: Italian citizenship and the enjoyment of political rights are required. The maximum age is set at 26 years, but for Fire Brigade volunteers with at least one year of service or for those who have carried out military service, the limit rises to 37 years. Psychophysical and aptitude requirements compliant with current regulations and a secondary school diploma are also required.

Applications for participation must be sent exclusively electronically, through the website Candidates must use the Public Digital Identity System (SPID) or the Electronic Identity Card (CIE) to access the application. The form requests detailed information such as personal data, residence, tax code, PEC address, Italian citizenship and educational qualification. The deadline for sending applications is set for 20 July 2024. The pre-selection test, scheduled for September 10, 2024will consist of multiple choice questions divided into four areas: history of Italy from 1861 to today, elements of chemistry and physics, logical-deductive and analytical questions, and knowledge of computer equipment and the English language.

Candidates who pass the pre-selection test will have to face the motor-aptitude tests, designed to evaluate physical efficiency and predisposition for the activity of a firefighter. The tests include tests of strength, endurance, balance, coordination, motor reaction and aquatics. Each test is scored on a 30-point scale, and is considered passed with at least 21/30. Service, study and qualifications can add up to 5 points to the final score. It is mandatory to submit a certificate of suitability for competitive sporting activity issued no later than 45 days before the test.

A firefighter starts with one gross annual salary of approximately 19,600 euros (more than 1,600 euros per month), which can grow as your career progresses. Team leaders earn over 22,000 euros a year and department heads almost 24,000. In addition to the basic salary, there are thirteenth and risk allowances, as well as a specificity allowance based on length of service.

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