Monteverdi’s Vespers of the Blessed Virgin on July 3 in Forlì

Monteverdi’s Vespers of the Blessed Virgin on July 3 in Forlì
Monteverdi’s Vespers of the Blessed Virgin on July 3 in Forlì

FORLI, 02 JULY – The Abbey of San Mercuriale in Forlì will host the inauguration of the 24th edition of the Emilia-Romagna Festival on July 3 at 9 pm with Claudio Monteverdi’s masterpiece, Il Vespro della Beata Vergine. The protagonists will be the Venice Monteverdi Academy supported by the ‘Lorenzo Da Ponte’ Orchestra and the Schola Gregoriana ‘Reale Corte Armonica di Asolo’ choir, conducted by Ernest Hoetzl. The Forlì concert is the first of 55 events on the Erf 2024 programme, until September 11 in the most precious places of architectural tradition, from castles to ancient parish churches, from theatres to squares, in 20 municipalities distributed between the provinces of Bologna, Ravenna, Forlì-Cesena and Ferrara, with more than 600 artists involved. The Vespers of the Blessed Virgin by the Cremonese composer, a milestone in the rarely performed sacred repertoire, combines the elegance of the Renaissance with the innovative energy of the Baroque. A work that, even after more than four centuries, continues to touch the deepest chords of the human soul, offering a unique sound listening experience. The work, published, together with the Missa In illo tempore, in 1610 in Venice, with a dedication to Pope Paul V, is conceived as a collection of liturgical musical pieces, including psalms, hymns and antiphons, traditionally used in the Vespers of the Catholic Church. (ANSA).

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