Three “World Cafés” in Cerignola to reflect and talk about gender policies

Three “World Cafés” in Cerignola to reflect and talk about gender policies
Three “World Cafés” in Cerignola to reflect and talk about gender policies
It will take place Friday July 5th 2024 at ore 18.00a Cerignola the first will be held World Café on the topic “Gender stereotypes, prophecies that come true. Women in society, at work, in the family. Conditioning and gender gap”. This is the first of three events born within the project “Shots”developed within the regional notice GENEREinCOMUNE promoted by Anci Puglia – National Association of Italian Municipalities – and aimed at implementing gender equality in pilot municipalities in Puglia. The initiative is led by Municipality of Cerignola and is promoted by the municipal department for Equal Opportunities in conjunction with the consortium of social cooperatives Oltre / the network of businesses, Arcigay Foggia “Le Bigotte” APS, the Provincial ARCI of Foggia and Cittadinanzattiva. Tomorrow’s meeting will take place at the Karma Cafè (Via Cesare Battisti).

To lead the activities of the world cafe will be Cittadinanzattiva Puglia and ARCI Foggia. «We will have a great opportunity to discuss with citizens the issues of inequality and gender stereotypes, but also gender violence and the LGBTQ+ community – explains Margherita Setteducaticontact person for Cittadinanzattiva Puglia – . We will do it in a comfortable and relaxing environment to seek together new awareness and good practices aimed at bridging the gender gap”. Following the entry into force of the Regional Law n.7/2007 for gender policies and work-life balance services in Puglia, Cerignola is committed to making the territory truly personal/family friendly, promoting the effective development of conditions for the full use of the potential inherent in each tool for the conciliation of life and work times and for the creation of a truly inclusive system that is attentive to gender issues.

The project, therefore, sees the creation of a training course aimed at employees of the Municipality of Cerignola on gender identityin order to detect gender impact indicators and draw up a balance sheet useful for improving, promoting equal and inclusive policies. This path is followed by an action aimed at the city through the creation of three World Cafes to stimulate attention to the topic in an informal way through the sharing of an aperitif, to detect ideas, proposals and promote a community that respects the principle of gender equality. The next appointments will be: Friday, July 12at 6:00 pm, at Caffè Roosevelt (Viale Roosevelt 24) we will talk about “Violence against women, at home with the enemy. The signs of violence in everyday life: intimidation, denigration, isolation, physical and economic violence, femicide”; Thursday, July 18at 6:00 pm, at Bramo (Via Don Minzoni 120) we will discuss the theme “LGBTQ+ Community Let’s demolish stereotypes, build communities”. Different genders, prejudices and discriminations. Difficulties in everyday life, bullying and violence, legislative delays”.

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