Black work and gangmastering in Campania: a social and economic alarm

July 2, 2024 | by Editorial Staff

The Campania it is confirmed the “patria” of the Work nero he was born in gangmasteringa phenomenon that continues to hit the economy and social fabric of the region hard. The data released by Cgia di Mestre are alarming: 308,200 irregular workers, with an irregularity rate of 16.5% and an impact on the regional added value of 6.9%.

The Sarnese Nocera Agro and the Gangmaster System

In the Agro Nocerino Sarnese, gangmastering remains a widespread practice, especially in the agricultural sector. The main victims are the most vulnerable: people in extreme poverty, immigrants and women. This situation represents a serious violation of human rights and a distortion of the labor market.

The national context

The phenomenon of irregular work in Italy has an annual turnover of 68 billion euros. Of these, 23.7 billion are concentrated in the South. Calabria has the highest percentage incidence on regional added value with 8.3%, followed by Campania with 6.9%. At the national level, the average is 4.2%.

According to Istat, of the 2,848,100 irregular workers estimated in Italy, 1,061,900 are in the South. Calabria has the highest irregularity rate with 19.6%, followed by Campania with 16.5%.

The link between undeclared work and gangmastering

Undeclared work is often the prelude to gangmastering, a scourge that affects not only agriculture but also sectors such as construction, textiles, logistics, and delivery and assistance services. The conditions that favor this exploitation include the intensive use of labor for short periods in isolated locations, inadequate transportation and accommodation services, and the precarious legal status of migrant workers.

Interventions and proposals

To address and combat this emergency, a meeting of the Territorial Council for Immigration will be held today at 11 am at the Prefecture of Salerno. During the meeting, the Territorial Plan of interventions for the management of the migratory phenomenon in the province of Salerno will be presented. This plan, which will subsequently be approved by the prefect Francesco Esposito, aims to strengthen collaboration with third sector associations and to develop concrete strategies to combat gangmastering and protect the rights of the most vulnerable workers.

A necessary commitment

The fight against illegal work and gangmastering is essential for the economic and social well-being of Campania and the entire country. Authorities and civil society must work together to eliminate these illegal practices and ensure decent and safe working conditions for all.

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