Israel pushes on Lebanon, the US fears the Iron Dome will remain intact – Middle East

Israel pushes on Lebanon, the US fears the Iron Dome will remain intact – Middle East
Israel pushes on Lebanon, the US fears the Iron Dome will remain intact – Middle East

Israel accelerates on Lebanon and announces that “the necessary decisions” will soon be taken regarding Hezbollah, even if the US fears for the stability of the Jewish state’s defense system in the north of the country. There is now a concrete threat that the conflict that has been dragging on for eight months with Hassan Nasrallah’s Party of God – started by the Shiite militia immediately after October 7 – will transform into an all-out war with the risk of setting fire to even more the Middle East.

Israel – warned Foreign Minister Israel Katz – “cannot allow the terrorist organization Hezbollah to continue to attack its territory and will soon take the necessary decisions”. A clear warning, also considering that the IDF recently approved the attack plans in Lebanon. “The free world – added Katz – must unconditionally support Israel in its war with the devil, Iran and extremist Islam. Our war is your war and Nasrallah’s threats to Cyprus are just the beginning”.

However, a possible total conflict between Israel and Lebanon would have many military unknowns: the IDF knows well that Hezbollah’s armament is not that of Hamas. It is no coincidence that US officials have told CNN that they seriously fear that, in the event of a real war, the Shiite militiamen – supported by Iran – could overwhelm the Israeli air defenses in the north with missiles and drones, including the Iron Dome air defense system.

“We believe – explained a senior official – that at least some” batteries “will be overwhelmed”. Even though Israel not only has the Iron Dome, but also the much more sophisticated and effective ‘David’s Sling’ defense system, a city like Haifa is a short distance from the border with Lebanon. Even today, rockets and drones departed from Lebanon towards targets in northern Israel, where a large part of the population has been taken away for months. The IDF responded by striking Hezbollah infrastructure across the border in various areas and shooting down a drone in the Golan Heights.

It should also be remembered that the latest threats from the leader of Hezbollah, a close ally of Iran, towards Cyprus – accused of siding with Israel with Nicosia which he has denied – have in fact involved an EU member country. “The region and the world – warned UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres – cannot allow Lebanon to become another Gaza. The risk that the conflict in the Middle East will spread is real, and must be avoided”, he added expressing “deep concern about the escalation between Israel and Hezbollah along the Blue Line with exchanges of fire and belligerent rhetoric on both sides, as if an all-out war was imminent.” And he called for the diplomatic solution along the lines of UN Resolution 1701.

On the 259th day of war in Gaza, the IDF is increasingly increasing pressure in Rafah in the south of the Strip with tanks, raids and “intense fighting”. Precisely in Rafah, the Red Crescent – cited by the international media – reported that 18 Palestinians were killed in an Israeli raid on refugee tents but the toll could rise. There were also 35 injured. Meanwhile – according to a report by Doctors Without Borders (MSF) – the quantities of medicines and essential equipment available to the NGO’s teams have reached critical levels, given that no supplies have entered Gaza since the end of April.

If the negotiations to unblock the situation between the parties remain at a standstill, Netanyahu confirmed his plan for the future of Gaza: “a demilitarized Strip, governed by a civil administration with inter-Arab sponsorship”.

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