Antonello Lovato accused of manslaughter, autopsy today

The 38-year-old Antonello Lovato, sole director of the individual company in Borgo Santa Maria, in which the dramatic accident occurred on Monday which cost the life of the 31-year-old Indian Satnam Singh, is registered in the register of suspects for manslaughter and failure to provide assistance. who worked in that company as a laborer without a regular employment contract.

The investigations, conducted by the Carabinieri and coordinated by the Public Prosecutor Giuseppe De Falco and the Public Prosecutor Marina Marra, have led in recent hours to the seizure of the roller plastic wrapping machine towed by a tractor which severed his right arm and crushed his limbs. lower and of the entire area where the accident occurred.

Meanwhile, this morning the coroner Maria Cristina Setacci was entrusted with the task of carrying out the autopsy scheduled for this afternoon at the San Camillo in Rome, the hospital where the young Indian was transported but with delay having first been loaded by the employer on a company van and dumped in front of his home in Cisterna with the severed limb placed in a box usually used for fruit and vegetables. His condition was so serious that doctors were unable to save his life. Shortly afterwards Lovato went to the police station, accompanied by his lawyers, Valerio Righi and Stefano Perotti, to confess what had happened. A story then repeated to the police who in the meantime had begun to investigate after the incident was reported by Flai CGIL. The entrepreneur also admitted to having left the injured worker in front of his home together with his wife, also an employee of the company and also without a regular contract or residence permit. From the autopsy it will probably be possible to understand whether timely rescue, immediately after the accident, could have saved Satnam Singh.

At present there appear to be no requests for precautionary measures against Lovato as there is no risk of repeating the crime, tampering with evidence or danger of escape.

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