In Rende, the new fire station and other construction sites are also a source of controversy

In Rende, the new fire station and other construction sites are also a source of controversy
In Rende, the new fire station and other construction sites are also a source of controversy

YIELD «In these days there have been inaugurations and the completion of some construction sites started by our administration: on Monday the new Fire Brigade barracks will finally open, the Quattromiglia school can be used again, the nursery – the second built by the Manna council – almost completed, the cycle paths that unite our city from Unical to Cosenza are now finished. Not to mention the creation of the museum and library centre, in addition to the hiring plan and the strengthening of the road network with the Settimo and City Port junction, a connection between the motorway junction and the industrial area, freeing Via Marconi from heavy traffic. Then think about the refunctionalization of the public areas of Piazza Matteotti and De Vincenti and the redevelopment in the historic center with the recovery of Palazzo Bucarelli and the sports facility in Via Vanni which will be redeveloped.” Thus Civic Laboratory.
Who continues: «Always for sports construction – let us remember that, not surprisingly, Rende was chosen as the European City of Sport – an inclusive multi-sports center will be built in the Marchesino area which will be the only reality of its kind in Southern Italy and the second at national level. The place chosen to build the largest multipurpose center will redevelop an area that will thus be usable for everyone. The centre, the first in southern Italy, will be built in the green area between Via Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa and Via Adige and will be accompanied by a vast urban regeneration and redevelopment work which, covering the area of ​​the former Marchesino, will allow the construction of a real green corridor that will join the Robinson Park, guaranteeing continuity with the largest inclusive park in Europe, foreseen by the Urban Agenda”.
The list of Civic Laboratory does not end here: «Another axis of development for the city set in motion by this administration is the massive energy efficiency plan that is affecting the entire city. Replacing old lights and globes with the latest generation LED systems will not only allow you to save on bills – an estimated 70% of the total reduction in consumption – but will improve the overall quality of public lighting and offer new services to citizens. A job, therefore, ours that would make Rende one of the most flourishing cities in southern Italy. Despite the attacks suffered in recent years, despite the economic crisis that grips our country, despite the commissionership, we have built a model city, the result of civility and attachment to the values ​​of transparency. The hope is that those who currently administer Rende do not continue the work of regression and degradation that we are unfortunately witnessing: think of the failure to scrap quater and the immediate effect of very high taxation reported to us by residents and traders».
Finally, the request «that the toponymy be completed with the naming of squares, places and streets after the most important personalities of our territory, of the urban and national area. Many are waiting: Jole Santelli, Nicola Calipari, Antonello Antonante, Franco Dionesalvi, the great doctors Carlo Brancati, Fabio Rossi, Albino Lucente and many others. The new toponymy of the industrial area with the entrepreneurs who created it, the personalities of the historic center. An almost completed work that cannot be left in a drawer. The memory of our personalities deserves attention and respect! The commissioners should know this and ensure that the municipality is everyone’s home, not another barracks, practically closed to citizens’ requests.”

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