The judges of Milan order the psychiatric evaluation for Impagnatiello – News

The Court of Assizes of Milan has ordered a psychiatric evaluation of Alessandro Impagnatiello, accused of killing Giulia Tramontano, his girlfriend who was seven months pregnant, just over a year ago. The judges reserved the right to appoint the experts and postponed the appointment to June 27th.

The unmasking by the two women with whom he had parallel relationships caused in Alessandro Impagnatiello “a real psychotrauma, an extremely powerful narcissistic wound. He found himself exposed in relation to this whole plan that he had worked on”. The psychiatrist Raniero Rossetto said it in the courtroom, in charge of defense consultancy for the former barman on trial for the murder of his seven-month pregnant girlfriend Giulia Tramontano. “In the first interview he represented the image of the chessboard to me. He felt like the chess player who had to keep all the movements of the chessboard under control and he did it with lies.” Compared to all this and above all to the unmasking, he has lost a bit of the sense of reality. I’m not talking about the ability or inability to understand and want, because we are not in the expert field. But this happened. It is the so-called ‘lucid delirium ‘: even those who are delirious can be lucid.” Even the administration of poison to the victim “can certainly be part of a lucid criminal plan”. According to the psychiatrist, Impagnatiello, however, would not have “planned to eliminate Giulia” and his “criminal plan” would not have included “a post-murder defense”. With the poison, which however the accused never spoke about with the consultants, “he aimed to suppress the fetus, which represented a variable in his chessboard, not so much for economic reasons but for reasons of his mental state. The thing that at a certain point she couldn’t control it was the unborn child.” The psychologist Silvana Branciforti, who administered the counseling tests to him, spoke of “a paranoid personality disorder” with “an obsessive side”.

“Being so superficial as to confess the parallel relationship to my pregnant partner was yet another symptom that my head was going crazy. I’m not saying I’m crazy, I hoped to believe it, I wanted to believe I was crazy. I don’t think I’m crazy“. As Alessandro Impagnatielloanswering in the courtroom, before the Court of Assizes of Milan, to the question of his defender Samanta Barbaglia as to why in December 2023 he confessed to Giulia Tramontano the betrayal with a colleague at the Armani Cafè, and then deciding to recant.

To know more The-judges-of-Milan-order-the-psychiatri ANSA Agency Impagnatiello: ‘I killed Giulia’. Then a castle of lies – News – The boyfriend: ‘I gave her poison twice so that she would have an abortion’ (ANSA)

Pm to Impagnatiello, ‘in his stories there are discrepancies with investigations’ ‘
There are discrepancies between what Alessandro Impagnatiello, accused in Milan for the murder of Giulia Tramonttanto, his girlfriend who was seven months pregnant, said in the courtroom and what appears from the investigation documents such as the forensic copies of his telephone or the results of the ‘autopsy. This is what emerges from some questions for clarifications posed to the barman by prosecutor Alessia Menegazzo. In particular, among the inconsistencies highlighted by the prosecution, one concerns her holiday in Ibiza with Giulia, a few weeks before killing her. The 31-year-old said that he would forget about the other girl with whom he had a parallel relationship to the point of not even responding to the messages she sent him. “Are you sure of what he said? – Asks the prosecutor – Because the forensic copies tell something else. In three days we find over 500 exchanges of photos and messages”. And he: “yes, it’s true, she wrote to me, she was looking for me, I was slow in replying to her, I had distanced myself very much from her”. For example “the photo of the sea, but it was a response to the ten, twenty messages that she sent me, it was a tiny thing compared to our standard”. Furthermore, from the autopsy examination, unlike what he stated at the last hearing, i.e. that when he stabbed Giulia she was crouching in front of a piece of furniture in the room looking for a plaster due to a small wound, there was no cut on her hand: “No, he says, she had cut her finger, but not seriously”, he replied to the prosecutor. Among the other inconsistencies highlighted by the Prosecutor’s Office, also that regarding “a peaceful discussion” between him and Giulia, shortly before the murder. Version given at the last hearing by the man and which clashes with the “screams of a woman” heard by a neighbor summoned as a witness.

Impagnatiello, ‘I don’t think I’m crazy’
“Being so superficial as to go and confess the parallel relationship to my pregnant partner was yet another symptom that my head was going crazy. I’m not saying I’m crazy, I hoped to believe it, I wanted to believe I was crazy. I don’t think of being crazy.” Thus Alessandro Impagnatiello, responding in the courtroom, before the Court of Assizes of Milan, to the question of his defender Samanta Barbaglia on why in December 2023 he confessed to Giulia Tramontano the betrayal with a colleague at the Armani Cafè, and then decided to recant. “I told Giulia about the parallel relationship and – she said again – her reaction was negative. She was shaken that evening”. Impagnatiello is on trial for the multi-aggravated murder of his seven-month pregnant girlfriend, killed with 37 stab wounds in their home in Senago, in the Milan area.


Alessandro Impagnatiello, accused of the multi-aggravated murder of Giulia Tramontano

Impagnatiello in the courtroom, ’37 stab wounds is a scary number’
“When I learned in prison from a television report that I had stabbed her 37 times, one thing I automatically did was mime the hand gesture 37 times. Not that there is a correct number, but it is a frightening, suffocating figure.” . Thus Alessandro Impagnatiello, responding to the prosecutor Alessia Menegazzo who asked him why in the first interrogations after the arrest he said he had only given Giulia Tramontano three blows, when at the last hearing in the courtroom he said he had discovered the number from the media. “I can’t tell you why I said three – added the accused – I could have said any number”.

‘I would do anything to make up for what I did’
“I would like to find a possibility of redemption to try to give back the crumbs even if I know that nothing will change.” These are the spontaneous declarations of Alessandro Impagnatiello, accused of the murder of Giulia Tramontano, his girlfriend who was seven months pregnant. “In prison – he stated – the educators told me that I can no longer go back but I can however look forward, it is certainly easy to say but difficult to do. I know that I cannot go back, if I could do anything to go back I would do it in these months. I’m still working hard on myself. I carry on my existence mechanically rather than my life.” “For me today it is as if it were the last hearing on May 27th. May 27th is a very important, symbolic date” he added in reference to the day of the murder which took place in the couple’s apartment in Senago, in the Milan area, on the 27th May 2023. “I don’t know what my future will be, my existence. I only know that the purpose of my life today, my new life is to do something, anything” even if “it won’t make me go back” nor to have “Giulia and the child back. I would do anything to make up for it” and added that the murder is part of a “single slice of my past so distant from what I was. It was as if I had in front of me a person who had my name and my body.”

‘I sidetracked to escape the monster within me’
“I was in that state of hiding, of running away from that monster that had just come out of me.” Alessandro Impagnatiello said this, responding in court regarding the attempts to sidetrack the investigations, after the murder of his girlfriend Giulia Tramontano in the seventh month of pregnancy. The former barman explained that, when he confessed to his partner the parallel relationship with an intern at Armani Bamboo, he felt like “a vessel completely saturated with lies and lies. It was as if something had overflowed. I talked about it with Giulia to free myself from something that was eating me up inside.” When the Tramontano family’s lawyer, Giovanni Cacciapuoti, asked him what would have happened if he hadn’t stopped his fiancée from initially considering having an abortion in January 2023, he interrupted him and replied: “We wouldn’t be here today.” “Giulia and I – he then added – loved each other very much, after a possible abortion there would certainly have been a delicate moment to face. We would not have left each other”. The 31-year-old’s examination ended with his spontaneous statements. Then the defense consultants began to testify in the courtroom who, it is not excluded, could ask for a psychiatric evaluation.

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