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One hundred years since the death of Giacomo Matteotti, celebrations between Rome and Fratta Polesine

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In Rome, Mattarella placed a wreath on Matteotti’s monument

In Rome today 10 June the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella laid a wreath of flowers to commemorate Giacomo Matteotti. The homage sthe monument in his memory in the capital, on the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of his death which occurs today.

His killing is a watershed moment in national history

“The kidnapping, one hundred years ago at the hands of fascists, of the socialist deputy Giacomo Matteotti, which was followed by his cruel, barbaric killing, was an attack on Parliament and on the freedom of all Italians and represented a watershed in national history” Mattarella’s words.

“Matteotti, a Venetian hero”

There was no shortage of words from the President of the Veneto Region Luca Zaia in view of this important anniversary: ​​“Matteotti, a Venetian hero who at the dawn of a liberticidal dictatorship tragically paid with his life for the vision of what drama awaited the country. His death was the price of the choice to defend freedom and the courage to denounce when for many it was already more reassuring to align with the strongest. His life and even more so the death he suffered remain an example of moral rectitude without hesitation and a model for those who are called to represent citizens and work in defense of the institutions.”

And a hundred years after his death, in Fratta Polesine, Matteotti’s town of origin, last weekend there was a boom in turnouts to visit his House Museum rearranged with a new narrative itinerary.

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