Last day of school: party with bangs and choirs, the Carabinieri arrive. The reactions: “It’s always been done like this”, “And what about the parents?” – VIDEO

Last day of school: party with bangs and choirs, the Carabinieri arrive. The reactions: “It’s always been done like this”, “And what about the parents?” – VIDEO
Last day of school: party with bangs and choirs, the Carabinieri arrive. The reactions: “It’s always been done like this”, “And what about the parents?” – VIDEO

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These days, in many schools across the country, the student celebrations for the end of the 2023/2024 school year. Unfortunately, sometimes kids tend to exaggerate: this is the case with what happened today, June 7, in front of a school Rome.

The celebrations were in poor taste

As reported Fanpage and as evidenced by the Instagram page Welcome to Favelas, the boys met in front of the institute. Here they “celebrated” with thunderous bangs and choirs in very bad taste. Some students, facing the building, chanted a vulgar chant, “Stop, Stop the fuck, against the school and the person it is named after, Enrico Fermi.

Probably alerted by residents or passers-by, soon The Carabinieri arrived to restore order.

The reactions

Below the videos, spread on social networks, there were many comments and reactions from users. “Then we ask ourselves why Italian schools don’t work, here’s the problem, a bunch of headless people who screw up their own school where they will have to return in September – someone asks – Where are the parents?”, asks one user. “Anyway, the bros don’t know that they have to return in 3 months,” writes another. “Work in the fields is the solution,” continues another.

Others instead, they judge the intervention of the police negatively: “Did they come there for this,” they wonder. “Very dangerous, thank goodness the police intervened,” adds yet another. “These things have always been done, don’t worry,” echoes another.

The anti-gavettoni plan

In Rome, a real initiative is being implemented in some schools anti-gavettoni plan. In one institute it was “banned to use material to carry out pranks on others, both inside and outside school buildings”.

Giovanni Cogliandro, director of the Mozart comprehensive institute, has published a circular entitled “Conclusion of the school year in harmony”where we read: “We remind all our students that it is not permitted to transform the external spaces of our school into a battlefield with eggs, flour, water and teachers and members of school staff are invited to monitor to prevent behavior that could intimidate or even put at risk the serenity of the most fragile people or those not interested in such manifestations of superficial aggression”.

The principal reminds us that even on the last day of school, even though it is a festive time, we must enter class dressed in a decent manner: no, therefore, to “shorts that are too short, tank tops and t-shirts that are too short, excessive and inappropriate items of clothing, also in this case to respect everyone’s sensitivity and avoid inappropriate displays”.

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