Eight hundred students involved in the Noidellescarpediverse theater projects

Eight hundred students involved in the Noidellescarpediverse theater projects. The Arezzo cultural association, in view of the conclusion of the school year, has drawn up the balance of educational paths and workshops that have made it possible to promote artistic, expressive and creative experiences within institutions of different levels: from nursery schools in high schools. Each project was animated by the desire to promote theater education as a tool to contribute to the training and learning of young generations through the discovery of the works of great authors of the past or the interpretation of original texts according to the needs of individual classes , also providing a close connection with the main artistic, cultural and historical places of the city.

A series of educational workshops, from this perspective, was conducted at the Casa Museo dell’Antiquariato Ivan Bruschi together with the Ivan Bruschi Foundation where the actor and author Samuele Boncompagni took on the role of various characters such as the scientist, the explorer or the captain of the people, then a similar experience was proposed at the Medici Fortress and at the National Archaeological Museum “Gaio Cilnio Mecenate” through the renewed collaboration with the Fraternita dei Laici. Over the course of the year, these routes involved dozens of classes who were accompanied on theatrical visits to discover relics, stories, curiosities and secrets spread throughout the museums of the historic center of Arezzo. The longest running project was renewed at the “Francesco Petrarca” Classical and Musical High School where, for the thirty-first consecutive year, Riccardo Valeriani conducted a workshop which involved around eighty students and which ended with the staging of several shows between Petrarca theater and the Pietro Aretino theatre, while tailor-made teaching for the little ones was offered at the “Bianca Maria Bianchini” nursery school. The next objective will be to foresee theatrical projects starting from nursery schools and, with this in mind, Boncompagni participated in the early childhood festival “Visioni di futuro. Visioni di teatro” in Bologna where experiments, experiences and languages ​​for the age group from zero to three years were shared, with the desire to materialize them in new projects to be proposed in the 2024-2025 school year. The work conducted by the Noidellescarpediverse association also stopped in Casentino with meetings in the primary schools of Corezzo and Corsalone dedicated to the writing of fairy tales on typical local products which were carried out together with the Connessioni cooperative and which are financed by the “Borghi Call” for the Municipalities of Chiusi della Verna and Ortignano Raggiolo. Finally, the middle schools of Arezzo were involved by Boncompagni with the Officine della Cultura within the Oxfam Comunitalenti project which found concrete expression in the provision of theater workshops at the “Severi” Comprehensive Institute and the “IV Novembre Comprehensive Institute ”.

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