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New Teatro Stabile season, the prices of the subscription formulas

The Stabile theatre’s programme, which will be presented to the press tomorrow, will feature the great titles of the classical repertoire alongside new dramaturgy and will bring over 60 shows to our stages from October 2024 to June 2025.

The prices of season tickets and tickets for the 2024/25 season remained unchanged compared to the previous year, while online commissions decreased.

Premium season tickets will go on sale from 4 June, which guarantee the possibility of choosing your seat in advance, while all 3 other season ticket formulas will be on sale starting from 13 June, followed on 3 July by season tickets reserved for university students.

Premium on sale from 4 June 2024

Premium big, 10 shows of your choice, of which at least 3 at Gobetti and 2 at Fonderie.

At the ticket office 258 euros, online 240 euros

Premium Carignano 8 shows of your choice at Carignano.

At the ticket office 120 euros, online 108 euros

Premium Gobetti 6 shows of your choice at Gobetti.

At the ticket office 120 euros, online 108 euros

Premium Small 4 shows of your choice

Reserved for those who already have a Premium or Fixed Seat subscription. On sale only at the ticket office for 84 euros.

Fixed position

The subscription is connected to the programming of the Carignano Theater and allows you to attend the shows from the same place and on the same day of the week.

From 12 to 18 June 2024, those who were season ticket holders for the 2023/2024 season will be able to confirm their seat. Those who intend to subscribe for the first time will be able to come to the ticket office starting from 19 June 2024.

Extraordinary ticket office openings on Wednesday 12 June from 8.30am to 7pm, Monday 17 June from 1pm to 7pm and Wednesday 19 June from 8.30am to 7pm.

Fixed seat for 8 shows 216 euros.

Fixed seat for 6 shows 171 euros.

Standard of your choice

These season tickets will go on sale from June 13, 2024 without seat assignment.

From 26 June it will be possible to choose which shows to include in subscription through our online ticket office or by booking your turn at the counter by telephone via the call center (800915576 from 8am to 6pm), which will be activated on Thursday 13th and Friday 14th June 2024.

Extraordinary opening of the ticket office on Wednesday 26 June from 8.30am to 7pm.

12 shows of your choice (including 1 production by the Teatro Stabile)

At the ticket office 220 euros, online 200

Reduced for young people (born from 1999 onwards)

At the ticket office 150 euros, online 132 euros

7 shows of your choice (including one production by the Teatro Stabile)

At the ticket office 160 euros, online 145 euros.

Reduced (Cral, affiliated associations, disabled / over 65 / teachers)

At the ticket office 143 euros, online 130 euros

Reduced for young people (born from 1999 onwards)

At the ticket office 102 euros, online 95 euros

Under 35 (8 shows plus a Teatro Stabile production)

At the ticket office 136 euros, online 126 euros

Mara Martellotta

Read the latest news here: THE TORINESE

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