Gas and water, work begins. New networks in Piazza Redi

Gas and water, work begins. New networks in Piazza Redi
Gas and water, work begins. New networks in Piazza Redi

A new water and gas network for the area of ​​Piazza Redi and surrounding streets (via Barilari, via Galilei and via Correnti) thanks to which we can provide definitive answers to the problem of frequent breakages that affect this area of ​​Pesaro. The intervention, which is part of the Area Plan approved by Aato 1 Marche Nord, is carried out by Marche Multiservizi and involves the replacement of the pipes, now obsolete, with new water pipes for a total length of 750 meters. At the same time, 750 meters of methane gas pipes will also be replaced and about a hundred new connections will be made.

The investment is approximately one million euros and is part of a broader plan of interventions for the modernization and strengthening of the networks implemented by MMS to improve the efficiency of the water and gas distribution infrastructure system in the municipal area. The works will have an estimated duration of approximately 6 months and will be carried out in installments according to a schedule of interventions that, from time to time, will affect different areas of the District. The objective, shared with the municipal administration, is to try to limit as much as possible the inconvenience for residents and economic activities and reduce the impact on traffic in the area.

“We are working so that Pesaro returns to being a provincial point of reference in strategic sectors such as, for example, the management of water resources and care of the territory – explains the mayor of Pesaro Andrea Biancani – This is a necessary intervention for the modernization of the aqueduct and gas distribution network, to avoid future breakdowns, which aims to increase the efficiency of the entire system and the reliability of the networks to guarantee the continuity of the service. To better understand the intervention, its strategic nature, and to share the methods of work and times, together with the councilor Mila Della Dora and the Districts, I asked Marche Multiservizi for the availability of a public meeting. We invite the residents of Piazza Redi and surrounding streets to participate on Thursday 4/7 at 9 pm, at the Socio Cultural Center in Via Petrarca. It will be an opportunity to discuss and listen with the District”. “This is a strategic intervention thanks to which we hope to solve the problem of frequent breakdowns that affect the Piazza Redi area or at least significantly reduce it”, explains the CEO of Marche Multiservizi Mauro Tiviroli.

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