Macerata, “How to prepare for summer”: the meeting organized by the Fisiomed Group and Cna Macerata – Picchio News

“How to prepare for summer” this is the title of the public meeting that Fisiomed Associate Medical Group hosted in its conference room. In the space where from October, from the inauguration of the new headquarters to Sforzacostaconferences with partners and conferences in the medical-scientific field were held, this time a new collaboration was sealed with the CNA Pensioners Macerata.

The leaders of the organization such as the regional president were present Giancarlo Sperandio and the provincial president Silvano Gattarithe latter also highlighted how there is an affinity with Fisiomed because “The CNA also always seeks integration between public and private”.

Speakers at the conference were two esteemed doctors from the great Fisiomed team, Massimo Cioccolini And Giorgio Mancini. They provided explanations and advice on how to get older people through the summer.

Moderated by the journalist Fabrizio Scocciathe meeting began with greetings from Enrico Falistocco. “You represent the social and economic fabric of the community, you are irreplaceable – said the administrator of Fisiomed – today with CNA Pensionati we are inaugurating a space for all citizensdriven as always by the desire to contribute to awareness of how health is protected”.

She also intervened Francesca D’Alessandro, vice mayor of the Municipality of Macerata who sponsored the initiative. He did it with these words: “The elderly do not only represent the age of fragility but also that of many potentials. Today we talk about active aging, through a systemic bio-psycho-social approach and from the harmony of these aspects the elderly person derives physical and psychological benefits”.

So Dr Chocolates, dermatologist, discussed the topic of “The sun and the skin of the elderly”. Starting from the benefits given by vitamin D, a mood tonic, he however showed the risks we run without the appropriate prevention and control visits. With a series of images you showed how incorrect exposure to sun rays can cause spots and various types of melanomas on the face.

Finally, Dr. concluded the work Left-handedI, geriatrician. In speech “Risks and benefits of heat” he first unfortunately recalled the many victims among the elderly during the summer, then he analyzed the demographic change in Italy (one child for every 5 elderly people). He also focused on the lack of knowledge and attention to water balance, because elderly people lose the sense of thirst and instead making them drink water becomes fundamental. Seasonal fruits such as melons and watermelons can become useful and decisive.

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