continuous training for operators

UDINE – L’importance of road safety it’s a main theme in the policies of the regional administration of Friuli Venezia Giulia. Over the last thirty years, thanks also to the technological evolution of cars, road accidents have dropped dramatically. However, the Security Councilor Pier Paolo Roberti emphasizes that it is need to do more to eliminate dangerous driving behaviors.

Constant training and updating

During the seminar “The code leads the way…on tour”held on June 25th to UdineRoberti highlighted theimportance of continuous training for the operators of Police. This event, organized by the Local Police Service of Friuli-Venezia Giulia, by the FVG Road Police Department and by the Department of Public Security of the Ministry of the Interior, allowed participants to be updated on the latest regulatory news.

News of the highway code

Recent changes to the Traffic Laws, approved by the Chamber of Deputies, were at the center of the seminar. These changes include new rules on compulsory insurance, test permits and devices for remote detection of speed violations. In-depth knowledge of these rules is essential to ensure controls effective and timely on the regional road network.

Prevention of road accidents

The main objective of the initiatives promoted is prevention of road accidents. “Those who work directly and daily on our road network must receive training based on quality and the utmost professionalism”, said Roberti. Only through high-quality training is it possible to further reduce the number of road fatalities.

Collaboration between the regional administration, the police forces and the Ministry of the Interior is essential to improve safety on the roads. Events such as the seminar “The code leads the way…on tour” represent an important step towards a safer and more well-supervised road network.

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