Minors in betting shops, Police closes one in Medaglie d’Oro • Terzo Binario News

Minors in betting shops, Police closes one in Medaglie d’Oro • Terzo Binario News
Minors in betting shops, Police closes one in Medaglie d’Oro • Terzo Binario News

The administrative activity of the State Police continues unabated, aimed above all at preventing minors from gambling in betting shops.

In the last six months the agents of the Administrative Police Division of the Rome Police Headquarters have carried out administrative checks on 11 VLT rooms, in various areas of the capital, as well as in the province, for which administrative fines of approximately 88,500 euros have been imposed (payment in reduced); furthermore, they reported 3 owners of VLT lounges to the Judicial Authority, above all for failure to comply with the requirements imposed in the authorization, for the lack of supervision of the premises and because minors were found inside the lounges intent on checking the bet slips played.

In recent days, the same agents carried out a preventive seizure of a betting collection business, in the Medaglie d’Oro area, within which 14 minors were found, of which 6 were said to have physically placed bets.

As soon as they entered the club, the police found 14 minors, aged between 14 and 16, 6 of whom had receipts from the bets they had just made. Behind the counter, or at the station where bets are collected, there was a 19-year-old whose work position was not in order. In a room adjacent to the main one, 2 AWP slot machines were installed, switched on and functioning, in violation of the municipal ordinance which requires operators to allow gaming only during the time slots 9-12 and 18-23.

All minors were returned to their parents.

Given the above, the agents proceeded with the preventive seizure of the premises and charged the owner – who intervened on site at a later time – for the administrative offences, for a total of 10 thousand euros.

In the last six months, the Administrative Police Division has also checked 40 accommodation facilities, mostly in the central areas and adjacent to Termini station, for which administrative fines of around 130,000 euros have been imposed (reduced payment), reported 14 holders for the failure to communicate the residents, in several cases, also for having falsely certified the period of stay of the residents within the structures and orders were issued by the Police Commissioner of Rome for the cessation of the activity illegally undertaken in the comparisons of 15 hospitality businesses and orders to suspend activity for 8 hospitality businesses. 5 dance venues were subject to administrative control for which administrative fines of approximately 20,000.00 euros were imposed (reduced payment), 2 owners were referred for having activated places of public entertainment without the required opinion of the commission municipal supervision of places of public entertainment. Finally, 17 premises were inspected, in various areas of the capital, for which administrative fines of approximately 34,000.00 euros were imposed (reduced payment).

Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024 @ 11:37:51 © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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