Mourning for Cesara Buonamici, her mother Rosa has died: she was 94 years old

Mourning for Cesara Buonamici: her mother Rosa has died. She was 94 years old. learned this from sources close to Mediaset.

Mourning for Cesara Buonamici: And mother Rosa died. I had 94 years old. learns this from sources close to Mediaset. The director of TG5 Clemente Mimun published a message on X: “A big hug to Cesara”accompanied by a photo where the journalist is with her mother and other people.

The words of Clemente Mimun, director of TG5

It was Clemente Mimum who was the first to publicly expose himself regarding Cesara Buonamici’s mourning. The director of TG5, on his X profile, wrote: “A big hug to Cesara Buonamici”. In addition to the message, you also published two images portraying the journalist together with her mother, one just the two of them and the other as a group, with other friends during a dinner.

Cesara Buonamici and her relationship with her mother Rosa: “She’s a rock”

In 2021, as a guest on Verissimo, the TG5 journalist and former Big Brother commentator had spoken about her close relationship with her mother Rosa, who had turned 92 that September. “It’s a rock, with that still slightly mischievous look. She is very witty, she makes great jokes, even dry ones”, Buonamici had told Silvia Toffanin. He is a born commander, he always kept an eye on me and my brother. We grew up eating bread and oil, things from the garden, he always paid great attention to food”she then added. Despite her age, the journalist said that her mother always keeps the situation under control and sometimes jokingly scolds her: “He always has his finger on the pulse of the situation, he has extraordinary character. On television she scolds me if my hair is badly combed or not dressed as she thinks. She always has something to say.” The woman was also present at her daughter’s wedding, who in 2022 got married to Joshua Calman after more than 20 years together.

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