Wallapop and Vinted: new scams threaten members

With advancing technology, cases of online scam. There are many platforms targeted by hackers And ill-intentioned. The latter take advantage of the faith that users place in their trusted apps to defraud and steal from them sensitive data And money. Some recent frauds are affecting two platforms that have been particularly used in recent times. It’s about Wallapop And Vinted. The two services allow users to resell their used items safely. Unfortunately, some scammers exploit this mechanism to attract their victims. Let’s find out how.

New scams spread on Wallapop and Vinted

To carry out their plans, scammers set up automatic bots. The latter send, after the registration or even after it comes uploaded an item on one of the two platforms, a private message. In the latter, users are informed that the item has been sold. So far nothing suspicious, but there is a further step that allows scammers to deceive their victims.

In fact, the message states that for unlock the money of the sale is necessary verify the data of the card linked to the account on Vinted or Wallapop. When users click on the attached link they are directed to one new page

which he presents UI similar to that of the two applications. Here they are asked to enter their details again paper to make one micro transaction which allows the system to verify the profile.

Once this step was made the users fell victim of deception. Obviously, these are not micro transitions and users will end up with a charge much more high compared to what had been established.

This is not the first time that similar scams have circulated online. Some time ago a similar situation also occurred for users of PayPal. The latter have become protagonists of deceptions similar to those that are circulating these days on Wallapop and Vinted.

To defend yourself from online scams it is important keep your attention high. Learn to recognize suspicious messages it is equally useful. A further preventive intervention consists in do not click on the links sent. In any case, if you receive communications of this type, it may be helpful keep in touch with the platforms in question. In this way it is possible to understand if the message received is authentic or not.

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