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Figure Skating. A Year of Satisfaction

Figure Skating. A Year of Satisfaction
Figure Skating. A Year of Satisfaction

Sport is passion, dedication, sacrifice, enthusiasm. It’s easy to say it, but sometimes it’s much less so to see it in action, especially when the spotlights of the big stages dazzle the eye. So here we are, in the gyms of Cesena where every week, with little fuss and a lot of commitment, a group of 150 skaters engage in applause-worthy evolutions. They are members (especially members) of the skating group of the Centro Sportivo Italiano, which with the courses organized in recent days is coming to the end of a year full of satisfactions. “What’s up for grabs is not the goal of becoming a star – smiles Stefano Ceccarelli, vice-president of the CSI of Cesena – but the desire to dedicate oneself to a sport that knows how to conquer. Furthermore, our spirit is not to cultivate champions, but to give everyone the opportunity to train, to improve, to compete and above all to have fun. However, this does not mean not looking at the results, especially since in recent months we have reaped important fruits thanks to the commitment and dedication of our athletes. of the technical staff”. Going into detail and wanting to mention the most significant results, Stella Ceccarelli won the title of national champion (after having won the regional one) in the category reserved for those born in 2007, while Chiara Salsi ranked second in Italy in the category 2009. “Our 150 members – continues Ceccarelli – span all ages. We start from 4-year-old girls and boys up to those over sixty. They are all part of the same project and they all share important moments during the year. It is a for example the big party that we always organize during the Christmas period and which each time is inspired by a different theme. On the last occasion we celebrated by immersing ourselves in the Harry Potter saga. It is a way to entertain the kids and excite the families, but above all to consolidate the group”. The CSI skating sector is led by manager Stefania Biguzzi, assisted by coaches Tanja Lenaz, Silvia Battocchio, Sofia Pellacani, Margherita Martini and Sara Massarutto.

Luca Ravaglia

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