“What happens in the Italy chat”

“What happens in the Italy chat”
“What happens in the Italy chat”

“In Canada you live very well, there is a very high quality of life, and this is due to the fact that there are so many opportunities. So people have the chance to demonstrate their value, there is a lot of meritocracy, I must say that this benefits everyone a bit, and it is a country in total expansion”. He says this speaking about his experience at TorontoFederico Bernardeschiin a long interview with Fanpage. “There are many sports here (hockey, baseball, basketball), we are a lucky category, and we certainly have a more comfortable life — he says — The standard of living is very high, compared to Italy we are better off, this difference especially in recent years is coming out a lot and I am a bit sorry: there are fewer and fewer people who can afford certain things”.

And the MLS championship is also growing: “The big difference, in my opinion, that still exists is in the playing time, in seeing things, in seeing the play a little earlier — Bernardeschi continues — In this, in my opinion, they need to grow a lot. Obviously in Europe we, in quotes, invented football. But the championship has incredible potential and especially after the 2026 World Cup, which will be here between the USA, Canada and Mexico, there could be significant growth”. And again: “With the arrival of Messi, you understand that you no longer come to MLS to play a year of your career, but because the championship has more appeal”, continued the former Juve player, also speaking about the victory of the last European Championships: “The thing that remains most is the already with the open-top bus in Rome — he recalls — There you realize, you touch with your hand what you have done, what we have given to a nation and not only, but also to all the people who have immigrated outside of Italy. There, in my opinion it was something extraordinary”.

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On the current European Championships, “there are always the same five or six teams a bit above the others and then there will be the usual surprise,” said Bernardeschi. “Belgium started off on the wrong foot, but they will come out on top. Turkey did well. I have to say that our Italy is in great shape and so I am happy.” Before the final anecdote: “With my Euro2020 teammates I have a personal group chat on WhatsApp where we signed up and where those who are not part of the team group wished those who are facing it to enjoy this wonderful journey,” concluded the striker. “And we are with them, because in the end Gianluca Vialli also said this: ‘Once the Azzurri, forever the Azzurri’, that is, ‘Once the brothers, forever the brothers’. I have to say that he has transmitted this to us a lot and it has also done us a lot of good. So that’s how it is, we talk, obviously we are there with them and then we’ll see. We are the first fans.”

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