happy to have him on the bench”

happy to have him on the bench”
happy to have him on the bench”
Reading time: 4 minutes
The singer Brusco, a huge Roma fan (Instagram)

A boundless love that brought together his two great passions: music and Rome, so much so that many of his songs refer to the “Magica”. Since he was a child he has frequented the stadium, with tears ready to fall for a goal from his favorites. And then the song for the 2001 championship “Again and again“, but also the one written to thank Daniele De Rossi on the day of farewell to Roma, with that promise, kept by DDR, to see each other again soon on the Olimpico lawn. He is Brusco, stage name of Giovanni Miraldi, much loved among Giallorossi fans. He spoke about himself exclusively to RomaForever.it, ranging from childhood memories to current Rome, without forgetting to refer to music, finding a meeting point with football. “LMusic has changed, like football for that matter. As professors, one could say that in both of them, sentiment has lost its value to the detriment of business.” commented.

At the stadium since I was a child

We know that you are a big Roma fan: how did your passion begin? Who sent it to you? What did your favorite team represent and what does it represent for you?

For as long as I can remember I have always been a Roma fan, but a true fan. Of those children who cry for negative results and who cry emotional tears for a goal at the stadium. It was mostly my cousin who passed the passion on to me, my father used to take us to the stadium but he was a moderate fan.

A few days ago we celebrated 23 years since our last championship. You dedicated a song to those moments. What memories do you have of that day? How did you celebrate and what emotions did you experience?

The song for the championship is called Ancora e Ancora and I am very happy that so many fans somehow link my voice to that wonderful and unfortunately so distant memory. I had been a season ticket holder in the North for a few years but for good luck I didn’t go to the stadium on June 17th and I saw the match at home with my best friend, who is a dirty boy from Inter (he’s joking, ed.).

That song for De Rossi and the happiness of finding him again

Daniele De Rossi (RomaForever.it)

Daniele De Rossi is Roma’s coach today, but we fans know what he has represented for this team and for this city over the last 20 years. How do you see his journey on the Giallorossi bench and how do you foresee his future in these roles?

On the day of his farewell as a player I wrote and published a song called Grazie Danie in which I sing “come on, let’s see each other soon and it will be as it has always been in a new stadium or in this one with you screaming on the edge of the pitch”. Think how happy I can be that he is on the bench…

De Rossi replaced Mourinho who was certainly a coach who left his mark in the hearts of the fans with the conquest of the Conference, bringing the fans much closer to the stadium and dragging the south curve even further. As a fan, did you also feel more involved after his arrival and his results?

Mourinho will remain in our history. But I can’t get attached to anyone who passes through Rome. He must truly be someone special with whom I feel I share something. In today’s football I struggle, and in any case Roma comes first.

Who was your idol and who, over the years, was the Rome that fascinated you the most?

As a child Pruzzo and Bruno Conti above all. Then, I was 10 years old, after the suffering in Liverpool and Lecce it took me a while to return to the stadium. Those who have experienced Zeman’s Rome and then Capello’s cannot help but love them. I don’t have any real idols…but in my life only one person has made me rejoice three hundred times…

This is a period of turmoil for the transfer market which is always a hot topic in the summer: who would you like to see arrive in Rome? Lately there’s been a lot of talk about Chiesa and Morata: would you like to see them in yellow and red? And what other names, in your opinion, can help the team grow?

I’m not talking about the transfer market. You suffer for Roma who play okay… but even reading the imaginative articles of these days it seems like a martyrdom that I don’t deserve.

Music and Rome

You have often combined, with your songs, your passion for Rome with that for music: when did it start? What did music mean to you and when did you realize you could make a living from this?

Music for me is a mission. Explaining it isn’t easy… it’s something that encompasses my whole life, my whole day. And so I talk about what I experience with most feeling. Obviously also about Magic.

A bit like football, music has also changed over the years. What do you think changed it and what do you think about the current one, compared to the one you grew up with.

Music has changed, like football for that matter. As professors, one could say that in both of them, sentiment has lost its value to the detriment of business. However, football continues to fascinate millions of people, it is a business that in some way still works, while music has become of little interest, so much so that it is now listened to for free.

Who are the young musical and football talents that you think can go a long way?

I can’t tell you about the music. Also because I don’t follow those who follow success, I follow those I like and often they are strangers. In football, remaining in Rome, I hope that some spring players like Pagano and Pisilli can grow and establish themselves. We come from a long tradition of captains coming from the youth teams, I hope it can continue for a long time.

The future

what are your future projects?

This year I released 3 songs and an album is coming, my twelfth. I have lots of dates between now and October, I can say I’ve been on tour practically since Aldair arrived, a player I love madly. Oh I forgot: On July 5th a new single will be released called “Tutta Vita” and which I sing together with Emilio Stella, one of those singer-songwriters who, as I told you before, I adore and who still few people know.

Therefore, a full period for the Roman singer who is enjoying the summer between tours and a new single, waiting for an upcoming Roma season to be experienced.

And a true fan like him can only conclude our interview with: “Come on strong and Forza Roma!”

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