Errigo champion mother, Tamberi thanks his wife – News

Errigo champion mother, Tamberi thanks his wife – News
Errigo champion mother, Tamberi thanks his wife – News

Two flag bearers out of four, two wives and a mother. The figure of the woman, present or evoked, was the protagonist at the Quirinale for the awarding of the tricolor to the Italian team by the Head of State, starting with the words – and tears – of Arianna Errigo.

The foil player spoke of her enormous emotion for the important role assigned to her, even more extraordinary after having had twins just over a year ago, “fitting everything together was difficult but now I can say I have done it, as a mother and as an athlete” , while the other standard bearer in Paris, Giammarco Tamberi, wanted to publicly thank his “beloved wife Chiara who has been at my side for 15 years. Without her I would never have been up to this role”.

To know more Errigo-champion-mother-Tamberi-thanks-hi ANSA Agency Ceremony at the Quirinale, Mattarella hands the tricolor flag to the Azzurri – News – The banner will go to the standard bearers for the Olympics and Paralympics. Malagò: we want to beat the Tokyo medal record (ANSA)

Luca Mazzone, veteran of the Paralympics, remembered his mother and wife, who followed and supported him in his 25 years of sporting activity, while the sprinter Ambra Sabatini underlined the will and inner drive that, even as a woman, “I have always felt and which allowed me to dream big, on and off the track, in sport and in life”. The 22-year-old from Livorno, Paralympic champion in Tokyo and defined by the president, Sergio Mattarella, as an “athlete of enthusiasm”, saw up close the emotions expressed by the 37-year-old Errigo when talking about her. “I feel like a more mature athlete and a happier mother. It’s a wonderful combination – said the foil player, defined by the president of CONI, Giovanni Malagò, as a unique example -. It’s hard, I needed a lot of help from of the family, but I want to represent us, mothers who continue to fight for goals.” It was difficult to hold back her tears, which in fact interrupted her speech for a moment, only to return when Mattarella from the gallery thanked her for her words, capable of highlighting “the excellent ability to cope with two commitments different”.

To know more dee4560576.jpg Errigo-champion-mother-Tamberi-thanks-hi ANSA Agency Paris 2024, Malagò: ‘Errigo is a unique example, Tamberi is a true captain’ – Other Sports – Coni president, the numbers say we can overcome Tokyo (ANSA)

“I wanted to address the topic of athlete mothers because it is never talked about enough – Errigo said on the sidelines of the ceremony -, there are still too many sportswomen who have to choose whether to continue their careers or become mothers”.
A tribute to the woman also came from Tamberi, who thanked “with all my heart my wife Chiara for having allowed me over the course of 15 years to be what I am today: the standard bearer of the Italian national team. Today, looking at myself mirror, I say that without her I would never have been up to this role.”

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