Ferrara, Ariostea concert area: traffic blocks are coming La Nuova Ferrara

Ferrara, Ariostea concert area: traffic blocks are coming La Nuova Ferrara
Ferrara, Ariostea concert area: traffic blocks are coming La Nuova Ferrara

Ferrara A maxi-concert area. This will become the area around in the next few days Ariostea squarein which work is being completed to set up the large stage, light towers and barriers to host the second part of the Ferrara Summer Festival, starting Thursday 4 July. Very demanding traffic closures are expected not only around the square, but also on the Biagio Rossetti-Porta Po axis, Borgoleoni e Gymnasium, but in a modular way and depending on the influx of people: it is probable that the heaviest blocks will be implemented starting in the morning only on the weekend, with the concerts of 18 thousand possible attendances in Tedua and Calcutta, and perhaps with the Holi Festival of Fedez del 1pm, and for the rest we leave in the afternoon. Motorists and residents will still have to arm themselves with patience for about ten days, and pay attention to warning signs.

The ordinance of June 29 of the Operational Unit for Demonstrations, Major Events and Relations with the Institutions of the Municipality has an extended timetable, to allow those responsible for safety to evaluate the times of application day by day. In their maximum extension, the measures will be valid “from 08.00 to 05.00 of the following day, on the days of 4-5-6-7-8-11-12-13-14 July 2024” is clarified. The list of measures is long. From Corso Biagio Rossetti, it will be mandatory to turn left onto Ercole d’Este, and on Corso Porta Mare, which starts from there, up to Via Folegno (immediately after the ring road), it is expected “the establishment of a transit ban for all vehicles including bicycles”; in the following section, from Via Montebello to Via Folegno, “transit ban for all vehicles except those of residents of Folegno Street and via delle Erbe». Via Erbe it becomes closed-end and has two-way traffic, like via Folegno. On the other side of the square, Mask Street until Palestro Street reverses the direction of travel, while via Borgoleoniin the stretch from Mascheraio to Sea Gate, becomes forbidden to transit (residents and two-way traffic allowed); ban on transit in via Palestro up to Mascheraio, and assorted bans on vicolo del Voltino, via Cortile, via del Gregorio and via Fossato.

The ordinance specifies that “the public transport company must adopt the deviations resulting from the provisions of this ordinance, giving prior notice to the citizens”.

There is another part of the ordinance, less impactful, with continuous validity from July 4 to 14. It concerns the ring of Piazza Ariostea, which is reserved for production vehicles, including lanes; the prohibition of stopping on both sides in the stretch of Porta Mare between Via Montebello and Via Ercole d’Este; the streets Cortile, del Gregorio, Fossato, Borso, Palestro up to Via Mascheraio, with stopping prohibitions.

In the meantime, the infrastructures mounted on the short side of Piazza Ariostea almost cover the sheet still visible on the balcony of a building at the intersection with Porta Mare: “Mayor, how long will you stop disturbing them?” it is the message that has persisted for some time: who knows, it may not even be strengthened in the coming days. L

Stefano Deer


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