half of the total deaths in Abruzzo occurred there

half of the total deaths in Abruzzo occurred there
half of the total deaths in Abruzzo occurred there

The province of Chieti ranks 21st in Italy in the ranking of provinces taken into consideration by the study developed by the Workplace Safety and Environment Observatory of Vega Engineering. A study that, based on official data provided by Inail and updated to May 31, 2024, takes into account the number of fatal accidents that occurred in the workplace.

Our province, which according to Istat data for 2023 has 146,911 employed people, has recorded 3 cases of death at work since the beginning of last year, with an incidence of 20.4 per million employed people. Numbers that certainly do not save it from ending up in the red zone, according to the scheme studied by the Veneto company Vega Engineering, which has arranged the division of Italy into bands according to the average national incidence of deaths at work. The red band, the one in which our province appears, is therefore the one with the highest average national incidence, preceding the orange, yellow and white bands.

And if this were not enough, to give the black jersey to the province of Chieti in the regional context in terms of deaths at work in the first five months of this year, there is also the fact that in the whole of Abruzzo, in the reference period, a total of 6 deaths were recorded, of which one in the provincial territory of Pescara, one in that of L’Aquila and one in that of Teramo: all things considered and with numbers in hand, therefore, it means that half of the deaths at work in the entire region occurred precisely in the territory of the province of Chieti.

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