Santa Marta Construction Site Raid and Statue Theft VIDEO

July 03, 2024, 05:01

1 min of reading


CATANIA – They opened a gap in the wire fence and they stole an important statue undisturbed inside the construction site of the former Santa Marta hospital.

It happened in Catania. It happened in the evening, around 10 pm. Five people, at least as many as can be counted from the images of the cameras in the area, entered undisturbed into the area where the Civil Engineering Department is working and, in just over 5 minutes, removed a heavy bronze statue, apparently the “Resurrection of Lazarus“.

Work by the Ispica sculptor Salvo Monica and placed it in the former hospital, loaded it into a car and disappeared. The company that is carrying out the work on behalf of the Civil Engineering Department immediately filed a complaint with the Carabinieri at the Piazza Dante station.

The office manager, Gaetano Laudani, he provided the images recorded by the ASP cameras which, certainly, will provide elements to the investigators to trace the perpetrators of the theft.

The bitterness remains. And the feeling that in Catania everything is possible. Whether it’s leaving a mattress on the churchyard, stealing a newly planted tree or, as happened, stealing a statue from the last century.

Leggi qui tutte le notizie di Catania

Published on

July 03, 2024, 05:01

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