Tari Bologna 2024, notification puzzle and it’s time to pay the penalty for delays

Tari Bologna 2024, notification puzzle and it’s time to pay the penalty for delays
Tari Bologna 2024, notification puzzle and it’s time to pay the penalty for delays

Bologna, 3 July 2024 – Discomfort and anger for the Department. The maximum limit for paying the waste tax it expired the day before yesterdaybut between delays in deliveries to the mailbox and, above all, the novelty that imposes on the Common sending of the payment statement via certified email not only to legal entities, but also to natural persons who have certified electronic mail as a digital domicile in the National Index of Digital Domiciles (for example because they are registered with professional associations), has created not a few inconveniences to the citizens.

In fact, if some people did not realize they had received the notice via certified email, having to take action quickly, there were even those who, not having certified mail, he waited for a paper bulletin that never arrived or that was late, despite the reminders made to the Waste Tax Office of Palazzo d’Accursio.

Yes, because several people – including many readers of the Pugwho wrote to the editorial staff complaining about the poor service –, got on the phone before the expected deadline to understand from the dedicated call center how to receive the missing document before it was too late and we had to incur guiltless consequences in the blackberry.

But many have found themselves caught up in the whirlwind of no answers, bouncing between phone calls and emailsthe forms finally received only yesterday and precisely after the deadline, therefore with late payment to be paid, which amounts to 0.1% for each day of delayin addition to legal interest. And the problem has not yet been completely resolved.

And it reached the ears of the opposition in the city council, first of the leader of the League and president of the Budget Commission Matteo Di Benedetto, who announces: “We have received several reports about missing communications to citizens regarding the payment of the Tari. Those who do not have a certified email risk finding themselves in pay the increased tax due to the delay with respect to the expected deadlines, also because it did not receive the communication in time. We therefore ask – he concludes – that the Municipality you do not apply the sanctions to those who did not receive the notice in time. If there are no clarifications in the next few days from the administration, we will proceed with a specific hearing, so that the situation can be clarified”.

From Palazzo d’Accursio, however, there is no complaint any “widespread disruption”: the call center would have received a average number of phone calls with a classic deadline day for the payment of a tax. Among the main complaints, there would have been above all those of those he had not realized he had received the notice via certified email and to those who asked if it was possible to perform the balance via F24since the method of payment of the tax has also changed this year, which, according to the law, is can only be performed via the PagoPa servicewithout prejudice to the possibility of using the F24 in exceptional cases and following prior agreement with the Tari Office.

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